Sunday, November 1st, 2015
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website!
Hard to believe it is the first of November and now the time change!
Hubby and I spent yesterday (along with his Dad), splitting all the wood we brought up from the woods two weeks ago. Whew- what a job! It was an Oak tree and very, very heavy to load and stack, but we got it done! Hubby splits it with the log splitter, and Dad and I load the wheelbarrow and then wheel it into the wood shed and I stack it. We are a great team!
I finally get my van back today after being in the body shop for a week to repair the damage done by the deer I hit a couple weeks ago. About $1700.00 worth! The body shop had trouble getting parts as my van is 17 years old, but still in good shape. So, this is the second deer I have hit, and hopefully will be my last!
Now I have to concentrate on cleaning the house, cutting back many flowers that have died now that frost has come and gone. It is going to be in the 70's here this week, so I will get the neighbor girl to help me get this major project done. Many wheelbarrow loads, trailer loads, and trips to the brush pile out back!
Buddy is doing well. He runs like crazy and is in good shape! He still has some issues of trust, but he is getting better. Had to have a talk with hubby about feeding him too much! He is gaining a little to much weight and can't do this especially because of his size and his leg being repaired.
I believe I will have to stop driving at night. The situation with my right eye is getting worse, and it is very difficult to see when driving at night. My right eye (the only one I can see out of), has developed what is called: Epi-retinal-membrane- a covering that has developed over my eye and makes things very blurry. It is getting worse and I will eventually have to have surgery on it to remove the membrane covering. I have an appt. in February to have it rechecked, but the retinal specialist said if I feel it is getting worse, to call in and have it rechecked. It is getting worse. (Plus I also have a cataract, and have developed Macular Degeneration (the dry kind), in the same eye. All these perks of getting older!
I have had some interesting gals in my WISH group. Some are moving on, and some are still deciding to accept their abuser back. It is always their decision, but I try to explain if they do accept them back, what the consequences can be. Very dangerous and possibly life-threatening for her and for the children.
One husband told a gal he will burn the house down with her and the children in it! She has filed for a CPO, and does not want him to see her or the children. They and she, are very afraid of him and what he will do.
Many things to get done today and this week, so I will blog later in the month. So until next time, stay safe, and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse. Your knowledge may save your life or someone else's!
Take care,
Becky :)
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