Friday, September 02, 2005

Friday, September 2, 2005 - A beautiful morning.

Hello Everyone!

What a glorious, sunny morning! The weather is cool, no humidity, and it is going to be a beautiful weekend. I have a lot to do. Mowing, weed-wacking, more pond work ( more of the middle-what a job!) pick green beans, tomatoes, broccoli, and dead-head flowers to throw in my wild flower garden.

My husband started teaching this past Tuesday. He has more children than he has had in years. A total of 164 students, 130 freshman, 34 seniors. Whoa! If he still has hair by December, I will be thrilled and amazed!

Hurricane Katrina sure did vast and devastating damage in the South. I think I will stop compaining about anything. We are so fortunate to have a dry home, yard, our animals, food, clothing, garages, vehicles, money for gas (even though it is so high), and so many things that those people no longer have except the clothes on their backs. They have lost so much! It is so sad. I pray daily for them, that they can soon see some light and experience some semblence of happiness through all of their grief. It will be a slow process.

I will make my delicious potatoe salad (using potatoes out of the garden) for the family get-together on Sunday at my husband's cousins at their camper near us. It will be good to see everyone and be together. Family is so important, and I love to be around them and share stories and laughter, and all the food is soooo good too.

I am looking forward to starting the W.I.S.H. program on September 12th. I just home some women can make it. With the price of gas escalating, it will probably be difficult for them. I will probably double-up on the information I give them in the two-hour sessions. Hopefully some can attend and get some much needed help to deal with their situations.

Do me a favor, if you visit this website, please send me a short email to let me know what you think of it. If you have any suggestions, I am open to them for improvement of my website.

If anyone is interested in some Irish things, let me know. I know of a friend's sister that is currently developing a website to sell Irish things. It's really going to be nice.

Have a great Labor Day weekend,

As my friend, Su says, Peace, Love, and Laughter. They are all gifts.



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