Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday, January 31st, 2016

Hi, Everyone,  Thanks for stopping by.
Wow- so glad January is almost over- now February. It will be interesting to see how the weather is this month! January was a piece of cake and no icing! Sure glad we dodged the winter storm the east coast had last week!

I have some new survivors for my WISH group. I sure hope I can help them get their lives back and feel better about themselves. They have been continually abused for years and just take it. Now they will learn they don't have to and they said they don't want to be beat up, threatened, strangled, raped, and on and on anymore! I'm looking forward to giving them more information and things to uplift them and make better choices. One choice is not to be abused anymore! When someone's self-esteem is so low, it is hard to get back up on one's feet, but I know they can do it!

I've been really busy with the CCAPL and mechanical plans and changes for the shelter. Some errors occurred in the plans and we are getting them corrected. We hope to continue construction in the early spring if the weather cooperates!

Buddy is doing well. (Although hubby is feeding him too much!), and we have had a discussion about that. Buddy and Lucy play a lot and they get along so well. He is enjoying his new life with us and Lucy!

Have to get the chicken in the oven I am roasting, so gotta go for now.
Plus it is almost time for Lucy and Buddy's exercise time.

Take care and be safe, and learn all you can about domestic violence so it does not happen to you or even save a life you know, even your own!

Becky :)


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