Tuesday noon
Greetings to everyone.
Well, I have to tell you, the "Book Fest" in Bellevue, Ohio was incredible! I learned so much!
The Book Fest itself was run very smoothly and efficiently. It was very well organized. There were 75 tables of authors such as myself, selling and promoting their books and wares.
I met so many nice people and including other authors, especially at the "Author's Party" on Friday night. The valuable information I was given, (I did take notes), will hopefully allow me to improve my sequel that I am currently working on.
My many thanks, especially to Ken and Captain Frank, for their valuable information and insight in the writing world. My eyes were opened wider.
On Friday night before the Author's Party, I decided to get something to eat at the restaurant in front of the hotel. I cannot drink anything with caffeine after 5 p.m., so I ordered decaffeinated coffee. Well, I think the waitress got the wrong pot, as I was awake the whole night! Yes, I never slept at all! I was a little incoherent and in a semi-zombie state by seven in the morning when Janet and I went for breakfast, but after getting my high-test coffee, and a good breakfast, I was ready for the book fest.
The whole day was one of meeting so many people, talking to them about my book, and my job as a facilitator for women coping with domestic violence and abuse that go through the court system. Some people looked at the pictures I had on display of things from the book, the poster showing my book and the sequel, and the suggestive reading books I had on the table too.
So many people, bless their hearts, had so much compassion in their voices, not only for my writing the book, but for victims of abuse and violence as well. Many shared stories of themselves, and people they knew that have experienced violence and abuse in many forms. Some people were still dealing with it, others have moved on. Some people picked up the free literature I had on the table with information on What is Abuse?, What is Domestic Violence?, Why does she stay?, to give to someone they knew to pass on (or for themselves?).
By the time the event was over, I was very tired. I had about a three-hour drive home, and alas, the lack of sleep caught up to me. Jan, Captain Frank and I, went and had dinner at the same restaurant, (I ordered water to drink) and after that Jan and I went back to our room and crashed for the night. I knew there was not way I could drive and stay awake the whole way home.
I left the next morning at 6:15 a.m. and had a very pleasant drive back once the thick fog lifted and the daylight appeared. (That early in the morning the traffic was light also, and that was a good thing. And, not a lot of construction or detours on the way back, as I took a different route home.)
It was good to be home--being with my hubby, playing with the dogs, checking out the fish, frogs, and Herman the turtle, I am so blessed.
Until next time, God Bless, love often, laugh out loud, (LOL), and peace be with you.
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