Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sat. Feb. 9, 2008

Hi, Folks,
Thanks for stopping by this past week!
One of our Beagles, Lucy-Goosey, was very bad this week. Hubby was gathering wood from the shed to take down to the basement and I was watching the dogs run and play. I stepped into the garage to get the bucket of birdseed to fill some of the feeders, and presto-Lucy was gone! Hubby and I called and called. He went down to the woods and searched, but no dog. I called and whistled until my voice became hoarse. Brat. So, after a while, we figured either she was gone to parts unknown on some kind of hunting/sniffing expedition, and would possibly return.

After about an hour and a half, I went in and started supper, kept checking out the window, it was starting to rain again, and still no dog. I went downstairs with hubby and sat in front of the fire with the cat on my lap. A while later, we could hear the wind picking up, and then the rain came down quite heavily. We both went upstairs to see what the weather was doing, the phone rang, it was our neighbor checking to see if Lucy came back yet, and as I was telling her, "No"- Lucy came running across the back yard!

Hubby put on his rain gear and went outside and tied her up to her box. She was quite wet. The little goof. That should teach her to take off, but I doubt it!

The next night, I had to watch them by myself as hubby had a meeting at school and wouldn't be home until later. So, I fixed her good when I let her loose. I put the collar on her that zaps her and a couple times I had to use it when she started out of the yard, then she was okay. She stuck around. I don't like to use that collar, but it is effective at times and does get their attention. We live on a busy road at times, and it would only take one split second if she went into the road and got hit. We certainly don't want that to happen. Because she was a rescue, and obviously does not know how to respect boundaries, (even though we leashed her for weeks and showed them to her and worked with her in that area and still are!), it is difficult to keep it up as the neighbor's dogs come over here every day and crap in our yard. Of course our dogs smell the neighbor dogs that have been in our yard, and want to track them back to their yard. It is frustrating at times.

I have a possible book sales and signing at two Border's in Columbus in March. I am waiting to hear from the managers. Sure hope I can, and that I can do both of them in one day!

Authornation is down right now. Has been all week. There are upgrading the web site and I haven't been able to post anything all week. I did do a poem this morning that hubby wrote to me a long time ago for one of my birthdays, but after I submitted it, I didn't see it show up anywhere on the home page, although there are posting of others on it. Hmm.

I have been so busy this whole week with CCAPL stuff. We had a meeting Tuesday night, a very good one, and we got a lot of things accomplished and are excited about plans for fund-raiser this year. There is some land that the land committee has check out. It would be ideal if we could get it. Sure wish we had more money at this time to purchase it, but alas we don't. But, things change all the time, and it could happen. I believe the glass is - "half full"- and this attitude I try to maintain on a daily basis.

I ams till working on the collaberative group for my boss and it entails gathering a lot of data from domestic violence cases in 2007 and entering them on charts I have made.

That's about it until next time. Thanks again for visiting! Stay safe, warm, and remember- the glass is half full.
Best regards,
Becky :)

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