Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wed. November 9, 2011

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and for your uplifting emails!

I've been so busy with so much going on, I haven't had a chance to blog lately.

I've had some new gals in my W.I.S.H. group and they are improving each week with getting their lives back. It warms my heart to see them think better of themselves and to know they do not have to put up with abuse and violence against them and that they didn't deserve it at all!

I see changes each week in their attitude, demeanor, and the rise of their self-esteem is wonderful!

I had an incident myself last week on the elevator at work. This moron-guy, was really being a jerk and said some very provocative remarks to me. He was working on the elevator. I should have exited the elevator when it went up to the fourth floor, but stayed on as I had so much to do after leaving work that day, I stayed on. Then it became apparent this guy was a real idiot! I made it to the first floor and left.

After repeating the conversation we had on the elevator to my supervisor on work Monday, I went to the Sheriff's office and filed a report. What a jerk!

The weather has been grand and I've been getting caught up on things outside. My father-in-law helped me Sunday with cutting and gathering dead flowers in my numerous flower beds, we actually had three loads in the little trailer I pull behind the lawn mower. I still have more to do, but he was a big help that day!

I am looking forward to returning to the Cleveland Clinic's Joseph Beth Bookstore in December. I sure hope the weather cooperatives for the trip there.

The dogs and cats are fine too as is hubby.
Take care, be blessed, and stay safe!
My best to you,
Becky Conrad

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