Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website! Hopefully there will be articles and information to help you or someone you know dealing with domestic violence and abuse.

I had an MRI on my low back in early February. It showed I had 3 bulging discs, degeneration, arthritis, and more. So, no wonder I was having so much pain!

But, thankfully, my awesome Chiropractor has helped me tremendously and I am about 60% better. I am having adjustments of my spine done, plus various therapies, and also deep tissue massages by the Massotherapist in his office. She is really good and gets into the very painful areas. I'm trying to avoid surgery, so hopefully it will all work and get me back to where I was before.

I've been really busy with work, the CCAPL, home stuff, (not to much though as I can't lift or do anything strenuous, and have to be careful).Just doing light housework and Hubby has been sweeping for me. Lots of cooking and eating too much!. I can hardly wait until spring and I can have my friend down to do a major cleaning!

I'm going to try and eliminate some flower beds this spring too, and hubby said he would help with this. When I put them all in (over 30 of them), I was a much younger and could take care of them, but not anymore with my back the way it is. I will give all the flower away so others can enjoy their beauty.

The cats and dogs are fine. Callie-kitty fetches her red mouse every morning and evening. She is so much fun!When she gets it underneath the refrigerator, I have to get a flashlight, then the yardstick, to move it out to the front. She anticipates the "rescue" of her mouse and then I throw it into the dining room. She goes after it and leaps over the box I have by the kitchen cupboards (to play in) to retrieve her mouse. So funny.

Well I must go for now. I'll be back soon.
Take care and have a great month!
Stay safe,
Becky Conrad



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