Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Tuesday, May 1st. 2012

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by this past month.

Gosh...the time is flying by and here it is May 1st. already! We had a great weather day yesterday, a little rain last night, and it is so much warmer this morning! Last Saturday was 38 degrees and snow flurries!

My broken little toe is healing, but it is still giving me some pain, but tolerable. It will just take time to heal and hopefully heal okay.

I've been working outside when I can in my flower beds trying to get them ready for all the blossoms of flowers to appear. There are many to do! Plus, I take the riding mower with the little trailer pulled behind it and all my tools to trim, dig out along edges, shape bushes, and clip off dead branches, etc.

When I was outside yesterday, planting some Pansies in my little red wooden cart, a Hummingbird buzzed by! Yeah!
So I got the HB feeder cleaned and filled. Last night when I was sitting on the porch, a beautiful male came to the feeder!

Also arriving this past week are the Rosebreasted Grosbeaks, the Rufous-sided Towhees, and I also spotted a King Bird in the Oak tree out back. Lots of activity and the songbirds are in full song! We even have a pair of Bluebirds setting up nesting in the Bluebird box out in the orchard area. I just love those little birds besides all the others! Hubby made a new box for them and it seems to be working!

I've been busy with work, the CCAPL, and many projects in and out of the house. I'm going to paint the dining room wall Hunter Green soon when I can have the doors and windows open for the paint fumes to escape, but not this week.

I'm going down to Tennessee in July to visit with my sister and neice and their spouses. I'm looking forward to a fun time!

I've been seriously thinking on putting my first book as a Kindle book. I'll let you know when I do this. It costs about $200.00 to do this by the publisher and have it listed on Amazon.

It seems Blogger changed all the formatting to do my blog, so if you find any typos, it's because I haven't found the "spellchecker" yet!

Gotta go for now so stay safe, and tell other about all the valuable information on my website to help those facing domestic violence or abuse in their lives, even yourself if you are in an abusive situation. Get out, get help, and be a survivor!

Take care, and thanks again for stopping by.
My best,
Becky :)


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