Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hi, Everyone!
Thanks for stopping by this past month!
I have been so busy, especially watering the garden plants morning and evenings! No rain to speak of for weeks! I have been blessed with some awesome sized peppers and one zucchini so far! Some things are doing well and some things are not---radishes and spinach are done with the extreme heat! I'm going to pick some green beans today for the first time! Yum!

I'm heading for Tenn. on Tuesday morning to visit my sister and niece and their great husbands. I'm sure I will have a good time. Looking forward to it. I'm going to take some veggies from the garden with me. I'll be back on Sunday evening. Hubby will do fine as long as he does all the things on the "to do list!"

I've been busy with the CCAPL too. We are going to have an architect with a reputable company put the new animal shelter plans together and get them submitted to the state for approval. Once this is done, (about 2 months), we might be able to construct the "shell" by late fall???

The kitty cats are doing fine, but even with the air conditioner on most of the time, they just lay around and sleep, except for the early morning or later in the evening they play a little bit. So hard being a cat!

We have had a stray (feral) cat coming in the evenings to our back porch. I've been feeding it some dry cat food as it is so skinny. I'm going to try and trap it when I get back and take it to a veterinarian and get it spayed or neutered and checked out. Just hope it doesn't have feline leukemia. That would not be good.

We've had to add water to the pond almost everyday due to lack of rain. We do have the elephant hose hooked up to the spouting out back, just in case it does rain and the water can drain into the pond. We did have a brief shower the other day, and that helped some.

We had the family reunion yesterday (hubby's side) and it was good to see everyone. We had a good time. Lots and lots of food! The auction went well and I bought some cool things. You never know what is inside until you open the package. Some good and some goofy stuff.

Gotta go for now. Much to do today. Father-in-law is coming down and bringing steaks!

Take care, be safe, and share my website with others so they can educate themselves and learn not to be a victim of domestic violence and abuse.  No one deserves to have violence and abuse against them!

Best regards,
Becky :)


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