Monday, November 12, 2012
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by my website. I hope you can gain valuable information from my website to help yourself or others dealing with domestic violence and abuse.
It has been really crazy around here! I've spent the last month painting rooms in our home. The kitchen, family room, back hallway, and the living room are finished-yeah!
In between that chore, I've been really busy with the CCAPL and fund-raisers before winter starts and weather will limit our fund-raisers. The floor plans for the shelter are almost done and once approved, will go to the State of Ohio for submission and approval.
Plus, I've been busy mulching leaves with the mower all over the driveway and the yard! The huge Oak trees from across the road, came down and covered all of the front and they were really thick!
But, I got it all done yesterday. I'll let the wind take care of the ones remaining!
My WISH groups have been going well. I've been able to help and encourage the women to strive for a better life for themselves and those with children. So many do not know where to turn when they need help, or even if they deserve help. They are caught up in the "It's all your fault" syndrome, and many do not fee worthy of seeking help and blame themselves for so many things that have gone wrong in their relationship with their partner. If only the abusive partner could own up to his faults and control issues, the relationship could prosper. So many do not and blame the victim instead of being accountable for his actions.
I am so proud of one gal who has 5 children! Her husband was so abusive and controlling not only with her, but the children too. She had her divorce finalized last week. She did the divorce "God's Way" and is a better, more confident person since a year ago when she first started attending WISH.
Kudos to her for making a better life for her and her children! She wants to also go back to college and get another degree in social work or something along those lines. She will do it, I know she will!
I'm off work today and have many projects to get caught up on, so until next time, be safe, and tell others to visit my website so they can learn about domestic violence and abuse and not be a victim!
Take care,
Becky Conrad :)
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