Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday morning, July 17, 2016

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my website. I sure hope you can acquire valuable information from my site to help you or someone you know going through domestic violence and abuse. Be a survivor!

It has been one crazy month. So much going on with the garden, CCAPL plumbing started out at the no-kill animal shelter, and home, company from out-of-state, fundraisers, and more.

We finally got some much needed rain and it helped the garden greatly! I was able to finally till my rows with my little tiller and the ground wasn't like cement! Hubby had to stake up my tomato plants, and I was even able to bring some of the dirt after tilling to support the sweet potatoes and the yellow beans. I planted a package of green beans and don't have a single green bean! Someone messed up in the packaging and all the beans are yellow! Oh, well, they are fine to eat and freeze for over the winter. The heat has been really bad here the last three weeks and no rain. 92 degrees and one day it was 95 degrees-wow! I had to water plants almost every day in the morning or evening. Luckily we have the old garden tub out of the master bathroom and use it to catch rain water as it runs off the shed into a piece of spouting hubby hooked up! It sure helps so we don't have to use our well water and lug it out to the garden.

The dogs are doing well. Buddy is so much fun and is such a happy dog now. He has even gone in the pond a few times to cool off. He steps on the ledge around the pond, then goes into the deeper water and swims a little then gets out on the other side. He is too funny! What a sweetie! Lucy had her teeth cleaned last month and is eating better. She is twelve now I think and she and Buddy are great together!

The summer is just flying by, and hubby starts back to teaching school in just a little over a month. Sheesh.

The Cleveland Indians are really on top in the American League and I don't miss a single ball game, unless it goes into extra innings and is too late to stay up as it was last night! They lost last night after 11 innings but will bounce back I'm sure! They have a great team of pitchers and batters this year. So exciting to watch.

I'm going into work on Monday. Haven't been there in three weeks. Looking forward to catching up on cases and doing the surveys for my boss.

Hubby and I have gone fishing a few times. Caught some catfish but put them back. It has been really hot later in the morning so we leave around noon or so after getting to the lake early in the morning. Haven't seen the Eagle yet at the lake we go to. Maybe next time.

Take care and be safe. Tell others about my website and hopefully they can learn about domestic violence and abuse and not be a victim but a survivor!

Until next time,
Becky :)


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