Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday morning-Bright and Beautiful

Hello everyone,

I think the green beans are done. Whew. Prolific little buggers. How I was able to pick so many, freeze, give away, and eat some is beyond me, especially with very little-to-nil rain. The tomatoes are ripening almost faster than I can pick them. We had 39 degrees Friday morning here on the hill, but the lower lying areas got a little frost. It is a matter of time. I have managed to also pick some green peppers. Hubby and I had stuffed peppers last night and the night before for supper. I am saving two for my father-in-law who comes today to visit. He will be thrilled.

I hurt my back last weekend, but am much better now. Had a fight with a washing machine...the machine won. What a bummer. I had to take it easy for a few days. (I really do not like this "getting older" business. My mind is still young but my body says otherwise.)

I received some bulbs in the mail for spring blooming. I hope to plant them this week. I did receive the shipment several weeks ago, but alas, my hubby thought the box was empty (sitting on my workbench in the garage), and he pitched it in the trash. Tsk. Tsk. Sooo, I had to call and have another shipment sent.

My W.I.S.H. program is off and running. My heart goes out to the victims of Domestic Violence and abuse. I see their pain, anguish, anger, fear, guilt, and every emotion imaginable. So many of them think it is "their fault" and "they deserve it." Abuse is a learned behavior. We keep trying to break the cycle of abuse and it is a never-ending task, but it can be done. I am so thankful there are so many resources available for victims of violence and abuse, and resources for their children to help break the cycle. It is a slow process, and they must be willing, and it can be done.

So many victims cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Their fear is so overwhelming and they sometimes accept what is happening to them because they cannot see a way out. There is always a way out. The road is hard and full of many detours, but they can get on the higher road and reach a better destination to better themselves and get a better life. They deserve it.

I have been working diligently on my sequel,using the valuable information I received at the "Book Fest" in Bellevue, Oh. It is a slow process to go back and re-write, but I am making progress. I am thankful I can do it now, and not after it is published!

Keep praying for the victims of the hurricanes. Let's also hope and pray another one does not hit the already devestated areas.

Thanks so much for your visits. Tell others. You never know who may cross your path that either my book, or this website may help them to become a survivor!

Until next time, Peace be with you,


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