Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sun. morning, Feb. 16, 2009

Hi, Everyone,

Thanks for stopping by. I sure appreciate your doing so and for your emails and uplifting comments.

Hubby and I have had to add water to the pond for the first time during the winter months. The liner has risen below and even though there was quite a bit of run-off from the melting ice and snow, the risen liner has reduced the amount of water in the pond. One fish is in trouble and I have it in a bucket in the garage. Don't know if she/he will make it or not. Hopefully without any rain these past few days, the liner will recede and the pond can get back to normal. It is cold this morning and I saw a layer of ice and a light coating of snow on the pond. It will warm up a little today and we'll add more water.

The new kitty is settling in fine, but Tooter-Hooter is still not sure of the little bugger. At least now, she is not growling or hissing at Tigger-Digger. They just avoid each other for now. Time will tell and hopefully they will be playmates.

The horrendous wind storm (gust up to 90 mph),that moved through the area this past week sure made things a mess for a good while for a lot of folks. We were out of power for fifteen hours. Luckily we had a kerosene heater to keep the upstairs warm enough. I heated water on the top of it to make coffee! Hubby had to cook his eggs in his cast iron skillet the same way for breakfast. We improvise when needed too! Some area still did not have power on Saturday, but hopefully everyone has power back by now. We did lose some shingles on the old garage, and one of the pine trees at the end of the house started to uproot. Hubby propped a long board against it to stabilize it and to keep it from falling over. We'll see if it works and it re-roots itself and will be okay.

I've been blessed to hear from some readers I sent my sequel to. They have enjoyed it immensely and I am so thrilled they like it. Always great to hear from readers!

It seems there are more stories of domestic violence in the news, and men killing their wives, girlfriends, and the children, then themselves. So tragic. Learn all you can, read all you can, so it does not happen to you!

I've been blessed with scheduling more book signings for spring and I'm working on some other areas I've not been before.

I'm ghostwriting a book for another author. It is good. She is pleased with what I have sent her so far.

Gotta go for now. Lots to do today!
Have a great week, thanks again for stopping by.
Stay safe, and think spring! It is just around the corner...hurray!
Becky :)

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