Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sun. morning, Jan. 25, 2009

Mornin' Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by this week.

I have been so blessed! I was able to contact Professor Elaine J. Lawless and received and email from her. She is the author of "Women Escaping Violence" which I mentioned in my last blog. She is willing to read my books. I sent them out to her on Friday. Yeah! Wow!

This week was busy trying to schedule book signings, putting together things for the D.V. Collaborative meeting coming up on Tuesday, CCAPL stuff for the Director's meeting on Tuesday night, checking on some land for the animal shelter, filing, making new files for 2009 to enter, and basically trying to stay warm too! The other day was great. It reached 40 degrees, but alas it is back to 5 above this morning. Brr! After some of the snow melted the other day, the yard is an ice skating rink after it became cold again.

We have a new President. Our new President, Barack H. Obama, will make changes. I also feel he has a monumental task before him of trying to make those changes necessary for our country to grow and prosper. For us to come out of the predicaments we are in, and for the American people to move forward, the time has come for change, not only ourselves and our mindset, but we need to get the government back on track, and the people need to have control of the government and a lot of its wasteful spending and their control in areas that they should not have.

This will not be easy, and it would be in the best interest of our Congress, for the people of the United States, to work with our new President. Time will tell if they are willing to do this and not focus on "them" but on "us."

The other day, right before we were going to exercise the dogs, I glanced out the sliding glass door and spotted a critter on the ground by the Maple tree. Well, it was a young Opossum. Was I shocked. They don't usually come out during the daytime! Maybe it was hungry and made its way to the bird feeders. Hubby went out to see if it would go up the tree, but it vanished! I did see tracks in the snow that went towards the planter in back of the house, and I believe the little guy?, walked along the stone hedge and made its way under the porch. Funny though, the dogs didn't seem to be able to smell it either. Hmm. Haven't seen him since though.

Have a great week, folks. Thanks for your emails and keeping in touch.
Stay safe, stay warm, and hurray we are almost through January!
Becky :)

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