Sunday, December 07, 2008

Sun. morning, December 7, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Boy is it cold and snowy! I tried to get some decorating done outside this week, but it has been difficult with the cold and snow blowing everywhere! Hubby and I was out with the dogs yesterday and they seemed to have a great time in the snow. Clara was especially frisky and wanted her ball thrown numerous times. I was trying to staple red bows to the posts on our fence while she was bringing me the red ball, her favorite. I had so many clothes on, it was hard to move around let alone try to put up lights and decorate! I feel like the little child dressed up to the hilt and can barely move for all the winter garb, but it is a necessity if one is going to be out in the elements!

It was too cold to work outside yesterday morning so hubby and I took off to Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping for our annual Christmas party next Saturday. The place was really busy but we managed to maneuver around the isles and the many people just fine. Hubby has a tendency to get antsy in crowded places, so we moved swiftly. He did good!

I am receiving more emails from readers and this is so uplifting! Many are either still in an abusive relations and trying to find a way out, while others have already moved on to get a better life. I know it can be done, and anyone deserves it. Absolutely no one deserves violence and abuse against them.

The CCAPL had their annual meeting this past Tuesday and we showed the animal shelter plans to those present. They were impressed. Now we just have to get the land to start building and procure more funds to do so! It will come...we just know it...when the time is right.

Check out the new things on the front page of my web site. "Healthy Relationships" and the new "ALERT" in regards to kidnapping. Pass it on to your friends so they are aware too of the potential dangers that are out there!

With all the cold and snow, it reminds me of when I was a little girl on the farm and winter started around the first of November and lasted until March. It might be that way this year as we got a head start on the snow back in October!

Hubby's school implemented a two-hour delay for the first time ever, so we'll see how that works out for the school cancelling for the day.

We have company coming today for a pre-Christmas dinner. Father-in-law and his girlfriend (they are so cute together-both in their eighties), will be here around 11 a.m. so even though it is early in the morning, I better get busy getting some things done. Tooter, the cat, woke me up at 3:30 a.m. but I didn't get up until 4 a.m.

I have been having trouble with me Internet server and my emails, so if you don't get through to me at first, keep trying. They changed their whole system around and it has been a nightmare since as far as sending and receiving emails for the last two weeks!

Thanks everyone for stopping safe...stay warm...and keep in touch.
Hugs and prayers,
Becky :)

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