Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sun. morning, Nov. 30, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your correspondence. It is so great to hear from you and I am so blessed. There are still those out there hurting, needing help, and deserving a better life. Spread the word about my books. I know they can help someone!

Thanksgiving Day was a real treat! I got up early, prepared and stuffed the turkey, and let it cook for 5 hours. We ate at 1:15 p.m. It always makes me chuckle when the time in preparation last hours and it takes about 20 minutes to eat it! Hubby cleaned up afterwards. He is so helpful. I sent father-in-law home a variety of goodies from the meal.

On Friday, I took off early for shopping at the Mall up north. Well, I was totally amazed at the shoppers and the traffic. I have never gone on "Black Friday" before and it was quite an experience. Kohl's ran out of shopping carts, but I managed to get a basket for my purchases. It took me 20 minutes to get out of the parking lot! I then headed to Pet Smart, then to Olive Garden where I had a delicious lunch. Then more shopping and I got home around 2 p.m. I was tired!

I recently purchased the book "The Burning Bed" by Faith McNulty. The book is "The true story of Francine Hughes - A beaten wife who rebelled." (It was also made into a movie years ago.) Absolutely incredible reading, and yet while reading it, I was taken back in time to many incidents in the book I experienced myself. I truly believe God leads us to read certain books to not only know that someone else out there is suffering or did suffer with abusers, but also to educate us on the many ways abusive and controlling men act. There is a pattern. As I have said many times, "It is a learned behavior, and it can be unlearned" if the abuser is willing to do so. If not, he will remain the same and you will never change him. You can only change yourself and get out of the dark pit of abuse and violence.

I also purchased another book, "Women Escaping Violence" by Elaine J. Lawless. I'm hoping to be able to us it in my group sessions.

Christmas is fast approaching and I will start decorating this week and preparing for the wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth! It is my favorite day of the year!

Stay safe, keep in touch, and count your blessings.
Learn all you can. You may save a life, even your own.
Hugs and prayers,
Becky :)

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