Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sun. morning, Nov. 9, 2008

Hi, Everyone,

Well, my right leg is better and it certainly could have been a lot worse! Yesterday hubby and I went down to the woods to fell what was still standing of a tree that went down last year, drag out what was already down, and cut up the sections. He was pulling on a large limb with multiple branches that was caught on vines and other limbs when it snapped and came flying over my way. The base of it struck me on the side of my leg between my knee and ankle. Wow! That hurt! I was breathless for a minute or two. Hubby helped me over to the tractor and he lowered the bar so I could sit down. The pain subsided after a little bit and I was able to walk on it. I am very fortunate it did not strike me on my shin bone, but on the side of my leg where the muscles were, or I truly believe it would have cracked my shin bone! Goodness gracious. Close call!

Then one of his chainsaws froze up, so he started using his really big one to cut up part of the tree that was lying on the ground. Well, bummer, it must have pinched the saw blade as the chain came off. We took it back to the trailer and he discovered the chain got bent some, so our cutting up wood was discontinued. We did manage to drag out the large trunk and some pieces for when we go back down.

We came back to the house and he checked the saw that froze up. Well, he found out the safety brake engaged, viola, reason it froze up! Then we went into town and got another chain for the larger saw. I was experiencing more pain down to my ankle and looked at the area the limb struck, and of course it was turning many colors. It is still sore this morning but not as bad. I did use some ice for a little while. I'm sure it will be okay. Next time I will stand way away from the activity site!

I sure am looking forward to this coming Thursday when I will be at the East Park Restaurant in Ravenna with my friend and author, Joyce Bishop Morris. If you get a chance, stop by and visit. We will be in the side room to the right when you walk in the front entrance. Good place to eat too! We will be partaking of a meal before the signing. You're certainly welcome to join us around 10 a.m.

It is supposed to snow today. Bummer. It was a beautiful week in the high 60's and low 70's and yesterday it turned colder. I fed the fish up until yesterday. Even the frogs were out. I guess winter is coming whether we want to see it or not.

I've got to get Woodrow and Mandy into the vet's office for their rabies vaccinations and get Mandy checked for her cough this week. Ever since her disappearing act a while back, she is still coughing. I gave her cough pills I had on hand but they aren't working. Hope it isn't her heart. Could be though. She is about 15 years old. Way to old to be taking off and running for 5 days! She has picked up most of the weight she lost in her escapade and is looking better.

Tooter is getting on my lap every night now, and also sleeping with me, curling up behind my legs when I am on my side sleeping. Hmm. She never did this before.

We are still thinking of getting a kitten. Haven't decided yet.

Lots to do today. I have to give a speech tomorrow night for the CCAPL at the local Rotary Club and have to prepare my speech.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Stay safe, be blessed, and have a great week! Until next best regards, Becky :)

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