Sat. October 10, 2009
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by lately.
I've been really busy with organizing the Benefit Dinner/Silent Auction for the CCAPL November 7th. We are trying to sell tickets and also acquire silent auction items. We have had good success so far and hope to sell more tickets soon before the deadline approaches.
I've been working on putting together the catalog for the evening and that has been quite an undertaking. Trying to print out the pages so that when it is stapled together it flows well has been a real chore! But, I will get it eventually and take it all to the printer and have them print out the catalogs and staple them together. Whew!
I met my author friend, Joyce Bishop Morris this past Wednesday at Bob Evan's in Kent Ohio where we will be for a book sales & signing on October 22nd. We are looking forward to it. Great food, friendly waitresses, and Fred, the manager, is so nice. We gave him our posters to put up and also hand-outs about our books and hopefully this will generate some sales.
Fall is really coming on and the big tree in the back is almost done with shedding its leaves. The huge Maple hasn't even turned yet and it will be a while before they all come down and I'll have to mulch them with the mower. I'm still feeding the fish but have slowed down to once a day instead of twice. The water has cooled down considerably. We hooked up the elephant hose Thursday night and when it rained all day yesterday, it filled the pond up really well. Hubby will take it down today.
He was home yesterday as he is doing his mid-term exam. It has to be submitted by Sunday. He took a personal day off. His fifth one in seventeen years! He hardly ever misses school! He is such a devoted and dedicated teacher.
Today I'm going to work a hot-dog stand for the CCAPL at the "Mud-Bog-Fest". Some people have a farm and I guess they invite the public to see what their ATV's, four-wheelers, trucks, etc. can do in a mug bog! This will be my first experience at witnessing one so I'm trying to get mentally prepared. Although I'll be helping serve hot dogs, chips, and a beverage for $2.00, and telling people about our organization, it should be interesting and fun.
Gotta go for now, folks. Stay safe, and hopefully I'll meet you at Bob Evan's Restaurant in Kent, Ohio!!
Best regards,
Becky :)
Labels: Bob Evan's Kent, busy weeks ahead, fund-raisers, Ohio
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