Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tuesday morning, May 4th, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by!

Last Saturday's craft show was great! I talked with so many people and handed out sheets of literature on Domestic Violence and abuse. Many people were interested and seemed genuinely concerned and wanting to learn about it. This is a good thing.

Joyce's husband came along and I met him for the first time. He is such a sweet fellow and a gentleman.

Sunday morning early, 7 a.m., I was leaving to go into town to Tractor Supply for cat food and then Thorne's Grocery to exchange an item I purchased for the right thing. As I was walking (it was raining) with my hands full, the umbrella, and my purse on my arm, I stepped on a cement patio block by the garage and caught the edge of it. Next thing I knew I was on the ground and my ankle/foot was in severe pain. I finally made it upright, went into town, and then while at Thorne's the kind lady at the counter called Mercy Stat Care. They didn't open until 9 a.m. so I called hubby and told him what happened. He said to come home and he would take me into Stat Care. So I did.
Well, yes, my foot is broken in two places on the 5Th. metatarsal bone on the left of my foot by the ankle bone. Dr. Randall said at Stat Care, it is called a "ballerina fracture" (very common with them and dancers) because when ballerinas or dancers land on it, the ankle can rotate, cause the tendon to pull the bone and fracture it. So, the Dr. put a temporary cast on it and I was back on crutches. Been a while, but just like riding a bicycle, you don't forget how to use them. My foot was really hurting and was thumping quite a bit. So hubby and father-in-law waited on me all day Sunday. Hubby even made supper...his wonderful spaghetti!

So, needless to say I had to call first thing Monday morning at 7 a.m. to the Orthopedic Dr.'s office to get an appointment for a regular cast and to find out if I had to have surgery for a pin (common also with this type of fracture), and was certainly not looking forward to hearing that! My appointment was for 1:30 p.m.

I went into work before 8 a.m. and another courthouse employee carried my briefcase and purse to the office. Boy, my armpits were screaming by this time.

So, I finished with my W.I.S.H. group at noon and drove up to the Dr's. office. They put me in a wheelchair and that was fine with me!

Well, when Dr. L. came into the casting room, he was grinning. I told him it was good to see him, and that I had him on speed-dial! This was the fifth time I had seen him in about five years as he set my fractured arm, little finger, sprained ankle, and did two knee surgeries for me.

The first thing he said was, "No surgery"- yeah! and that I could have a walking cast- double yeah!, and it would be about 4 weeks, recheck and then possibly a walking boot. I was so relieved! At least now I can get some things done without being confined to crutches! Althought the cast weighes about three pounds and a little difficult to walk with, I will do fine.

So, I'll be busy with getting things together today for the CCAPL meeting tonight, and helping my father-in-law (hearing impaired), straighten out a mess with AT&T and his phone and T.V. service. Then get ready for the big fund-raiser this Sat.

So all is good again-praise God!

Stay safe, learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse and do not become a victim!

My best to you!
Becky :)

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