Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday morning. January 31, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Man has it been cold! Single digits and windchill below zero! Goodness!

Hubby got a cold week before last and I was hoping to avoid getting it but started with it last Monday. It stayed in my head for four days and by Thursday night, it worked its way down to my bronchial area. I had to see the Doctor on Friday for my blood results, and he went ahead and prescribed an antibiotic so I don't get into pneumonia as I have before. I feel better this morning, but still coughing.

I've been really busy with grant writing and meetings. Much to do and take care of.

My computer guy was out here on Sat. and put in a new modem for my computer and cleaned up my hard drive with unnecessary programs on it. It does run better now. Sure wish we could get DSL around here! Dial-up is so slow and inconvenient.

Callie-kitty is so much fun! She and Tigger play all the time when they aren't napping of course. Callie sleeps with us and she curls up under my chin and my arm. She is really developing a personality. When she first arrived here, Tigger would grab a hold of her and pin her down. Now Callie is getting bigger and she is able to get Tigger down! Callie is going into the vets on Tuesday morning to get spayed. Also she is going to have those extra ear flaps removed below her left ear, and a little thing growing on her left lower eye rim. Not sure what that is, but it does fold into her eye. It doesn't seem to bother her, but it could grow and be a problem later on. Might as well get it done while she is under the anesthetic.

Most of the major bookstores I had book signings over the last years have reduced book signings dramatically. So, with my author friend, Joyce Bishop Morris, we are going to the the craft events in the surrounding areas. I did one last year in Massillon, (going back May 1st.), and it was very successful.

I have been blessed of late as I still hear from readers about my books. This always gives me a boost and I am so grateful my books are still being read and passed on to others to read.

Much to do today inside so I better get to it soon. Father-in-law is coming down today as usual. He will be pleased with the soup I made. Vegetable beef barley. Very good. (I made Chicken Noodle soup the a couple weeks ago. I always try to send some home with him.)

One great thing is happening. The days are getting longer and it doesn't get dark now until after 6 p.m. So spring is around the corner! It can't get here soon enough!

Take care, be blessed, stay safe, and thanks so much for stopping by.
Until next time,
Becky :)

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