Sunday, March 07, 2010

Sun. morning, March 7, 2010

Hello Everyone,
Thanks once again for stopping by lately.
It is been a week of interest in several categories. The weather, work, and Callie-Kitty and Tigger-Digger!

Callie has discovered new things to do...mainly when I am in the office working on the computer. She gets into everything! Her biggest thing is attacking anything on my work tables i.e. pens, paper, receipts, or in other rooms where there are Kleenex and the toilet paper in the bathrooms! She is so funny. She has been waking me up before 4 a.m. and the other morning it was 3:15 a.m. This morning I woke up at 1 a.m. Read for a while and then around 2 a.m. heard the coyotes down in the woods. They must have been chasing something and howling like crazy! Finally around 3 a.m. I turned off the light, but sleep would not come. Just went ahead and got up around 4:30 a.m. She and Tigger play all the time, chasing each other from one end of the house to the other. Then when sleep hits, they curl up on a chair or the bed and take their required naps. She has grown quite a bit and is almost six months old now. She is such a sweet kitty but she does have her attack moments!

Work has been very interesting lately. I've had some girls come in to my group sessions that just are struggling so much. Their abusive husbands just don't get it. They (husbands) insist everything is the woman's fault, and justify everything bad happening to them, wanting the pity-party all to themselves. They lie, cheat, change things around, making the victim out as though she is the crazy one and he just doesn't know how things happened and escalated to tearing up the family so badly. Good grief. When will they ever be responsible for their own actions and get it??? The victims struggle to feed the children, pay utility bills, rent, and so on, and the guys won't give any money to them because they are "teaching the woman a lesson" and just do not realize they are alienating themselves from their children and leaving them high and dry without taking responsibility. They love to get even, and using and hurting the children (mentally) is one way of getting back at the wife or partner. Sheesh.

They always say, "If you do this, or give me this, I'll give you this or do this for you." It is always a mind game they play with stipulations and punishment or even worse, bartering for control. It usually is the sex they want most of all, and so many times the women are conned into believing they will change and they give in to the demands because there just doesn't seem to be a way out, but the abuser does not change. He goes along his merry way convincing everyone she is nuts.

Spring is around the corner, but it will take some time to melt all the snow on the ground and in piles everywhere! Hubby used the blade on the tractor to spread some of the piles in the driveway yesterday and will do more today. Gosh, it could be May until it is all gone, unless we get more that is. I sure hope not. We have had enough already!

I really have a busy month for the CCAPL. Fund-raisers and speaking engagements so I will post as soon as I can.

Thanks for stopping by. Tell other about my website so they can educate themselves and leave an abusive relationship and get a better life. They certainly deserve it. No one deserves abuse in any form or violence against them.

Take care, and until next time,
My best regards,
Becky :)

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