Sat. March 6, 2011
Hi, Everyone,
Thanks so much for stopping by and for your emails! I'm glad I could help. That is what I do.(My computer guy posted some new things in PDF form, so be sure to check them out and also print out and give to anyone who needs it.)
The ribs and muscles are mending, slowly, and I can now cough and sneeze without taking the plaster off the ceiling. It still hurts, but it is tolerable. Maybe just a few more weeks and the pain/discomfort will be gone.
it is raining so hard right now and is supposed to all day as it did days ago, and yesterday. My goodness the flooding is everywhere! We are high on a hill, and I feel badly for those experiencing flooding. Nothing like it. Hubby and I have been at our home for 28 years, and I never saw the water down below us near the roads as I did on Monday morning when I went into work. Wow!
We were finally was able to get DSL in our area and it was installed last Sunday. What a difference! So, I have been busy setting up a new email for other use and correspondents and it has been very time consuming. I have to enter hundreds of emails for different groups that I am associated with, (work, CCAPL, family, friends, etc.). My computer guy is coming out this morning to help me with sending mass mailing of the groups and to check my computer.
If you get a chance, go to the Author Nation website on the first page and choose the member tab, enter Survior_beckyconrad and read the story I posted there on the tossed? kitty last Sunday morning. Quite moving. I may post it here eventually when I get a chance.
Okay. more emails to enter and get done before computer guy gets here. This will take a while.
Stay safe, and keep in touch, and think spring! It is coming...yeah! I have some daffodils and crocus peeking through.
Becky :)
Labels: lots of rain, ribs, Spring coming
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