Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sat. morning, October 23, 2010

Hi, Everyone,

"OCTOBER IS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH." "Learn all you can to save a life-possibly even your own!"

Gosh. Where does the time go? It just seems to fly by each day. I've been wanting to do my blog for some time but much has deterred me from it.

First of all, thanks to all who have stopped and visited this past month. I know some of you have read my books and I'm so glad you liked them and also have learned some things from them to help you. You have no idea how much it warms my heart that a book written from my own experiences could help someone else have and get a better life without lies, deception, abuse and violence against them. Some people will never understand but they haven't been there, but those that have, will. Just go for it!

The hummingbirds are gone as are some of the other summer song birds. The darling little Chick-a-Dee's are being quite voicefull now visiting the feeders daily. The Yellow Finches have almost gone through their color changes for winter, and "Wilbur-Wilma" the Chipmunk, is still gathering corn and sunflower seeds for winter. Where exactly he/she is storing them is beyond me.

I've been so busy with the CCAPL and fund-raising activities one after the other. Plus, a dear friend of mine had to have arthroscopic knee surgery on her right knee at the Cleveland Clinic, so another friend of ours and myself took her up there a couple weeks ago for that. She is getting along really well and goes back on Oct. 28 for a re-check. She is in her 70's and lives alone. Very, very independent and has five cats she has rescued. Great lady and she has a lot of grit and determination!

Hubby and I have been bringing up wood from our woods for the fireplace downstairs for the winter. Today he is going to cut up the logs to prepare them for splitting with the log splitter and I will be helping. Not sure when we will use the log splitter as we have company coming from out-of-state (his lawyer-brother from Missouri), on Sunday all day and with his Dad of course.

I'm meeting my friend this morning at McDonald's for breakfast at 8 a.m. and then back to help hubby with wood. Meetings this week and back to Cleveland on Thursday. Time sure is flying by. At some point I need to take all my summer decorations outside (birdhouses, etc.) inside the garage for winter storage and plant some bulbs I ordered that came three weeks ago and I haven't planted them yet!

I did manage to visit my Aunt on Wednesday and we met my brother and his girlfriend at the Chinese Buffet Restaurant. Then we went to see his new condo and then off to see hers. Very nice places. They are getting ready to go winter in Florida and it was great to see them before they left. I know my Aunt enjoyed the visit. Brother and girlfriend are stopping on the way to Florida to see our sister in Tennessee. That will be a nice visit for them.

Okay. Gotta go now. More catching up to do with other things before I head out the door later.
Take care all, and thanks again for stopping by. Great to hear from you too! Keep in touch.
My best regards,
Becky :)

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