Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sun. morning, May 23, 2010

Hi, Everyone,
Thank for stopping by and visiting my website.
I just renewed my website with Go Daddy for another five years. I can honestly say, it has been a blessing to me. Not only from the feedback I get at times, but a wonderful way to spread the word about domestic violence and abuse. I know there are those who read the things on my website and get help from them.

My foot is getting better. At least it isn't burning so much and swelling. I go this Tuesday to the Orthopedic doctor to see if the cast remains on or if I get another type of apparatus to deal with. It would be nice to get it off and then I can plan on visiting my sister and family in Tenn. Her son is at her place. He lives and works in China and is back for about a 3 month visit. I am driving down there the week of June 8, if the cast comes off by then!

Hubby got the flu on Friday. He has been sick all weekend and with a fever. I think he is better today. We were supposed to have his dad and dad's girlfriend come today, but I called and cancelled the visit for both of them. His Dad's girlfriend has really been through a lot of testing of late and neither one of them needs the flu, nor do I!

The weather has just been crazy these past two weeks. I would like to put away my winter coat but it seems it isn't going to happen yet. Just last week it was almost 80 degrees one day and then the bottom dropped out and it was very cold (40 degrees), windy and raining. We even had some frost. Hubby had to replant his first corn as it rained so much and was so cold it more than likely couldn't germinate.

I had some critter or a crow nip off some of the pepper plants. So I bought more and planted them the other day. Can't really go into the garden and do much as it is so muddy. If I'm out in the wet yard, I put a trash bag over my foot/cast with rubber bands so it doesn't get wet. I also do this when I mow as I sure don't want grass, etc. getting down in my cast!

While I was sitting on the porch one evening, when it was a little warmer, the sun felt so good and the birds were a singing chorus! So many cheerful voices all at once. What a sound! Even every morning about 5:15 a.m. the birds start singing. Even right now as I am here on my computer, I can hear the gleeful twitting sounds of many songbirds. I just love to hear them.

There is one bird that sits in the Poplar tree each evening at the end of the house, and his/her voice is so musical with many high and low notes, but I can't identify it as of yet. I keep looking in my bird book but haven't come up with an identification of it. Hmmm.

This week will be busy preparing for the rummage sale for the CCAPL this weekend. It will be a lot of work but hopefully it will generate some funding for us towards possibly the driveway entrance we are trying to put in soon. The engineer is working on the plan packets to be submitted to contractors.

Well, I've got laundry to do and some cleaning after my devotional readings. I think I'll make spaghetti salad for us too.

Take care, and be safe. Enjoy the sunshine if you have it in your area!
Best to you,
Becky :)

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