Sat. July 24, 2010
Hi, Everyone,
Hubby and I have been very busy! We have accomplished so much around here it is unreal! One project after another. Currently he is finishing up the sidewalk out front with four more sections to go. He did get the new porch put on out front and even with a railing and cement underneath. It looks really nice. He is installing three foot of cement at a time. Digging out the huge rocks, and many of my flowers along the side of the walkway, but that is inevitable as they were so thick and needed thinned out anyway. I've been transplanting some but also giving some to my mail carrier by the bagful! I have used some of the large rocks to make a pathway from the new sidewalk to the area that goes to the water spigot. It is kind of a wild area with a variety of flowers and bushes, forsythia, fire bushes, etc. and it is triangle-shaped. I spent a whole day trimming back the things in that section and pulling out various weeds and grass.
The company from out-of-state is arriving tomorrow for a cookout and get-together. I'll be making my delicious potato salad this morning, cleaning, and many other things to get done before they arrive.
It finally rained last night really good and that should give the garden, flowers, and the yard a great boost! It has been so hot and dry! We also had the elephant hose hooked up to the downspout to help replenish the water lost in the pond from the heat. It beats running a hose and using our well water.
Hubby also made new steps for the side porch which is where we usually enter. They were getting worn and needed replaced.
My foot is finally getting better. It does not hurt anymore, but it still swells each day. But the Doctor said it would do that for a while and eventually stop.
I was wanting to get a different vehicle and was talking to my brother yesterday (he had a pace-maker put in on Monday), and he stated he had a van for sale. Well, just what I was looking for! Because I have so much CCAPL stuff to haul back and forth to fund-raisers, my car just couldn't fit all the stuff in it even packed to the hilt, so a van seemed more feasible for that need. I'm taking my Aunt (who is 92 years old now), to lunch next Wed. and my brother will try and meet with us too, bring the van for me to look at, and hopefully buy if I can test drive it and feel comfortable in it. (Hubby says he will take my car and sell his old Taurus. It has over 200,000 miles on it and still runs okay.)
Hubby also replaced the slats in a wooden bench we had. It was nasty-looking and he did a good job. It really looks nice and is comfortable to sit on now.
I got a lot of work done these past weeks with trimming shrubs, trees, weeding, flower beds, the pond, and wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow load. Sheesh. So much to do to make things look better. I sure got behind when I broke my foot, but I've been on many missions to get things done!
It is hard to believe my birthday is in another week. Where did the last 50+ years go???? Goodness. Time sure flies does it not? It seems the older I get the days are just flying by!
Two weeks ago my computer got a bad virus. I just got it back from my computer guy on Thursday night and was so thankful he was able to remove it with his special software. All my files are okay, but it sure was scary and very inconvenient! I emailed all my family and friends and asked them not to send emails with attachments anymore!
Well here it is almost 6 a.m. and I've been up since 4:30! Read my devotions for the morning and getting ready to boil the potatoes for the potato salad.
Gotta go for now. Stay safe and be blessed.
Becky :)
Labels: busy month...projects completed
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