Sunday November 6, 2016
Hi, Everyone,
Gosh it has been such a busy time for me these past months since I posted last. I do appreciated you stopping by and visiting my website. I do hope you can get some valuable information here to help you or someone you know that is going through domestic violence and abuse.
Back in early October, hubby and I were down in the woods with the huge log splitter, tractor and the trailer and were splitting the very large and heavy sections of tree trunk from a huge Red Oak tree that had went down a couple years ago. We spent one whole day almost just cutting the tree trunk in sections. (22 of them!) We were both wrestling with a huge log trying to maneuver it over to the log splitter. We almost made it, placing it in front of the splitter when it slipped out of hubby's hands and banged against the front of the log splitter and my thumb got smashed between them. Big ouch! Right away it started to hurt and when I looked down at my left hand with a glove on it, I noticed the blood dripping out of the thumb area. So I took the glove off and that is when the blood really started flowing! I told hubby to get a Kleenex out of my little waist pack I had taken with me and wrapped the Kleenex around my thumb. Hubby said, "That is going to need stitches!" So I called my father-in-law (had my cell phone with me down there), and told him to come and get me as I was going to have to go to the local Stat Care and get stitches. We got up to the house and he arrived. Hubby went back down to the woods to finish up. Hubby's Dad took me into the Stat Care and the Dr. said, "Yep, that will need stiches, probably about 4 of them." So he numbed it (wow was that painful), and then put 4 stitches in the side of my thumb. He said I was lucky it wasn't worse. He said it actually blew out the side of my thumb when it was smashed. Then he said he had to x-ray it to see if it was broken too. Well, the bone at the top of the thumb was broken. So, I had to wear a splint on it for about 3 weeks, but after a week, that was pitched. The splint just kept poking my hand and making it sore. So after 10 days, I went back and had the stiches removed. It is healing fine, just a little tender.
We have dug the potatoes, and just got about everything there was to get out of the garden. Last Saturday, we got the Sweet Potatoes out too. Hubby tried to pull the potato digger behind the tractor but the ground was too wet so we had to dig them all up by hand. Got quite a few nice ones but many small ones. The dogs love them too!
I'm still having gals come into the WISH program. This is good. Some of them are coping with their issues and are feeling better about themselves and trying to move on and get a better life for themselves. It is so hard at times and I feel so badly for them, but I do get to see more smiles and hear laughter from them when they didn't do much of that before.
I had the neighbor gal come over last week and help me work on cutting back bushes, deadheading flower beds, and so much more. Then she helped me cut things back around the pond and I was scooping muck out of the pond with a net and putting it in a wheelbarrow and she was hauling it over to the edge of the field next door. I had to add water to help the fish with the murky water created when I was scooping out the muck. I try to do one section at a time so the fish can go to the opposite side where I'm scooping out the muck with the net. It sure has made the water clearer, and will help the fish this winter when they go deeper in the pond and have more room below and the frogs to hibernate in the muck that is left. I just love nature!
All the seasonal summer birds have gone that come every year in the spring, but there are plenty left to enjoy their antics and beautiful voices of song!
Since August I've been working on putting together our annual huge benefit dinner and silent auction (along with numerous volunteers too!) for the CCAPL. It was held Oct. 22, and we had a great turnout!
We are waiting for the plumbers to finish their work inside the shelter before the cement can be poured and the contractor told me yesterday he wants to start with the cement installation on Nov. 15th. Great! Then we have to have some electrical grounding done in conjunction with and before the cement can be poured in the one area and the geothermal guy has to put in his conduit too before the cement is poured in the area he needs for the conduit. Many things to coordinate! Then, hopefully, we can start putting up walls inside for all the rooms in the shelter. So much to do before we can open! Plus raise more money to get it finished!
Today will be busy too. Hubby will go down and mow at his Dad's place down the road and I'm going to go with him to get rid of weeds that seem to grow so much even though it has been colder. But, the weather has been great for this time of year and that is a blessing to get things done!
Gotta go for now, so until next time, be safe, and learn all you can about domestic violence and abuse and be a survivor!
Best regards,
Becky :)
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