Sunday morning-March 19, 2006
Good morning folks,
I love the fact that the days are getting longer, and some of the early morning sunrises have been awesome! This past week some deer have been in the yard around 6 a.m. Spring is coming up fast, tomorrow to be exact! March is always a crazy month weather-wise, though. (My crocus are blooming, daffodils are coming up, along with tulips, and the forsythia is starting to bud.)
Speaking of deer. They are beautiful creatures, but they can be so destructive. I have a lot of aluminum pie pans tied to some of my bushes (firebushes, azaeleas, etc.) in the back yard and some in the front of the house. (Not exactly spiffing up the neighborhood, but they are my bushes and I do not want the deer chewing on them!)It seems to help, although when the wind is strong, they do blow off and have to be gathered up and tied again. Probably in another month I will take them all down as the deer will be able to forage on the new shoots of grass.
Last night while hubby and I were eating supper, eight deer came to our garden area to feed on the cracked corn in the blue barrel. Yes, it does draw them in, but if we don't put it out, they gnaw on everything else around the yard and raid the bird feeders.
I am now officially in the working world again, besides my W.I.S.H. job on Mondays & Fridays, I am working part-time at a new local Market store! Yeah! I worked yesterday and it was a lot of fun. I am a cashier. I was able to see a lot of people I knew, and had not seen in a good while. I love working with the public. Besides my feet, my face hurt a little because I smiled so much yesterday it was incredible! Just kidding. I smile a lot anyway.
I had a nice surprise last night when I got home. Hubby had put supper together and all I had to do was stick it in the oven. He is so sweet! I told him last night while we were conversing in front of the fireplace in the basement, that until I get back into the routine of working 5-6 days a week again, cleaing the house may not be a top priority. He said, not to be concerned about it, he would help if I needed it. What a dear man!
My little finger is getting better. I am using a soft baseball to get the tendons stretched back to normal, and it is helping. Dr. L. said the chip, (which I can feel right past my knuckle) is just kind of floating around in there. He said the tendons will keep it in place. Let's hope so.
I am going to have my computer guy post some things on my website that I learned at the training seminar I went to Marth 8-10th. The seminar was for Facilitators, Advocates and Shelters working with women in the horrendous throws of abuse and domestic violence.
My car went on the blink again, so hubby and I are going in and pick it up this mornig after breakfast. Cars! What a pain they can be! I really need to get another one! Maybe with this new job, I can do that.
If you have not read Ann Rule's, "GREEN RIVER, RUNNING RED," do so. It is awesome! What a book! Another one is "WORTH MORE DEAD."
My best to you! Have a great week! Be blessed, and THINK SPRING!
Becky :)
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