Friday, July 7, 2006
Hi everyone!
Just a quick blog. I have been working more at the DGM and the hours fly by!
I sent in the "proof book" file of A BETTER DAY DAWNING after corrections. I should recieve another proof book within seven days, hopefully, then go through that one, and send it in for the final publication.
The pond is doing well, although I had to remove some pond plants that were just getting to prolific. My they spread and grow fast in the summer! Little Herman is doing well, and sits on his log during the sunshine hours and basks away. The frogs are doing well, as are the fish. I still have to remove more fish, hopefully in late fall or so.
The garden is another matter. I am trying to keep up with all the weeds, tilling, etc., because of all the rain. How come the weeds grow much better than the plants? Hmmm. I lost some tomatoe plants, (Romas) for father-in-law, and have two left.
The green beans did not do well. I had to re-plant them twice, and a lot of them did not come up even the second time. Oh, well, I'm sure we will have plenty.
With the cool evenings (this morning it was 50 degrees!), the cabbage is coming along nicely. I lost two zucchini plants, and have one left. Well, one will probably be enough. There is always too much zucchini! Hubby's corn is doing better now. The first planting (Early Sunrise) is starting to tassel, and develope ears. The second corn, (Candy-corn) is just showing signs of tassels. Hubby's potatoes did not do well with the first planting. He did re-plant some a few weeks ago, but they are sparse. Probably too much rain???
The dogs and cats are doing fine, although little B-Bob, is showing signs of age. He just turned 16 years old.
My boss (V.A. office) and I, have a speaking engagement on Tuesday afternoon to speak to a group of women. It will be another great opportunity to spread the word about Domestic Violence and abuse. So much needs to be known about it. So many just have no idea or choose to ignore it all.
I received and e-mail about Tom. He is much better, walking and such, but is having some difficulty with infections in his legs, so please, keep him in your prayers. He uses a cane to get around, and it is frustrating for him at times. He did attend a wedding and walked his daughter down the isle and did the father-daughter dance! How cool!
Hubby is still attending college for his Masters'. It is a grueling schedule and a long drive. He did get an "A" on his first two-week, crash-course-class. Yeah!
E-mail me when you get a chance. I love to hear from all of you.
Peace be with you. Hug your children, and be blessed.
Becky :)
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