Sunday, April 09, 2006

Palm Sunday, April 9, 2006

A blessed good morning everyone!

Today is Palm Sunday. Will it be a solomn day or a day of rejoicing when we reflect on the meaning of the day as Jesus rode into the city on a young colt/donkey? (Depending on the version of which Bible you read.) Regardless, He made the journey, palms spread before Him in his path towards the city. Can you imagine His anxiety, fear, apprehension...knowing what He knew that awaited Him? Yet He smiled at those kneeling, standing, bowing along the way. What love He had for all, knowing what was going to happen. How truly awesome and humbling, at least for me.

If you haven't yet seen, "Passion for the Christ" do so. It is a very incredible movie. Yes it has blood and gore, but then we can see that in any given day of programs on television...Law and Order, CSI, Forensic Files, and in books we may read.

HOLY WEEK is upon us. Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and then Easter. What a week to celebrate!

Have you ever read, "The Prayer of Jabez?" It is an incredible little book. So full of wisdom and direction. I truly savor this little book.

Author, Max Lucado, is an incredible writer. I have a lot of his books. One truly amazing book is, "No Wonder They Call Him the Savior." Great book!

My job at G.D. Market is going well. I have only messed up a few times...very hectic...very busy! I have to work today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Yesterday was quite busy also. I worked from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Whew! I have 33 hours in this past week. My body says it is tired. My mind says, "Keep can do this."

I have been picking daffodils and putting them in vases. I love their fresh aroma.
I did laundry yesterday morning at 5:30 a.m. I am doing another load now before I go into work. Father-in-law is bringing steaks today. Our first cook-out on the grill since last fall. Yeah! I will make a salad to go with them. Yum--Yum!

Keep praying for Tom and his family. Thanks!

Sorry this is short, but I have to start getting ready for work!

Have a blessed day!

Until next safe...laugh good to yourself!

Becky :)
P.S. I had my computer guy put a small excerpt of my next book under "Sequel." The next book should be finished in about two weeks, and then off to the printers! Yeah!
I'll let you know A.S.A.P. Thanks for visiting!


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