Saturday morning, April 10, 2007
Good morning, folks,
Wow! Yesterday's warmth was awesome. The sunshine and the warmer temperature was great. I just stood outside last evening when we had the dogs romping around for their exercise, and let the warmth beat on my face. Love it!
The pond liner is starting to recede, but it is a slow process. So far the fish are just swimming around in the deeper spaces where the liner isn't up. I haven't seen any frogs yet, but probably will today. While I was standing at the edge of the pond, I could see little bugs flying around too. So maybe the frogs will come out today and get a meal or two. I sure hope Herman, the little turtle is okay. At least I haven't seen him floating anywhere. I did remove some ice from the pond, which was at least two inches thick again from the last cold and snow this week.
We are suppose to get some rain today, and I sure hope so, as the pond water is low. Hubby says the rain will help the liner go down too. If not, we will have to add some water to the pond, by tomorrow at least.
The C.C.A.P.L. meeting Tuesday night was great. We had more people join, and the enthusiasm and ideas were music to my ears. We did approve the bylaws, so now I will be working diligently in getting the 501 (c) (3) application ready to send in to the IRS. Whew. It is a lot of work, but it must be done, and the sooner the better. (Along with the $300.00!)
I have had some new women come through my W.I.S.H. program in the last couple weeks. Some of them have suffered abuse for a long time. They are beginning to realize it is not their fault, and they really want to have a better life. They deserve it so much. It is so hard for some of them, financially and emotionally, especially where there are children involved. Batterers just don't get it when they use the children as pawns to get what the want. Then there are the batterers who really don't think what the court says applies to them. Duh!
I don't play the lottery, except when it is really, really big, and that is about $2.00 worth. Alas I did not win this last huge payoff, but I am glad for the guy in Georgia who did.
If I won the lottery, I would do so much with it to help others. Wow! The door is wide open on that one!
Little B-Bob, the older cat, is getting quite vocal. Last night while I was watching CSI, he just kept whining. Finally, I got up and went to bed. He immediately jumped in my chair, and started his ritual of bathing. Good grief. It is my chair and I told him this, but I do share it with him. Then after a little while, he came back to bed and got under the covers as he always does.
I sold some books this week, and for that I am glad. I would like to enter some poetry contests, but I am still paying on my VISA for the books I ordered. Tell others---buy my books---get educated about domestic violence and abuse---save a life!
I have to go over the minutes for our secretary, and finish correcting the bylaws to email to my friend who is going to run the copies of them off for me for the members at the next meeting. (She is also member.) Some of the members the other night, gave me lots of copy paper, and this sure does help.
Gotta go, lots to do today-be safe, laugh often, be blessed, and enjoy the great warm weather if you are having it where you live. I love to hear the birds singing! Spring is on its way-yeah!
Becky :)
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