Sunday morning, January 21, 2007-5:05 a.m.,plus info on C.C.A.P.L.
Good morning,everyone!
Good news! The new organization has been formed! Yeah! It's official name is the Carroll County Animal Protection League. Our sole purpose is to raise funds to build a much-needed animal shelter for our county, educate the public on the proper care of their pets, and prevent cruelty to animals that will come under our care. There were many people attending, particpating, and joining to get this organization off the ground and on its way!
Officers and Board of Directors were elected, a Public Relations person volunteered to take phone calls, and a bylaw committee was selected. The bylaws will be reviewed and turned in at the March 6th meeting for approval of the members present. So many people had some great ideas for fundraising, it was incredible. Soooo, without further ado, we are on our way! "Dream-Believe-Achieve!"
Where will it be, what will it cost to build a shelter, how will we get the money...don't know yet, but I do know this, it will happen. With a lot of hard work and dedication, striving to reach our goal, it will be just a matter of time with everyone's help and participation. The enthusiasm of the group was great and many in attendance took membership applications with them to sign more people up!
On a sad note, the day of the meeting, in the morning, I had to take our cat, Sissy into the vets office. She had been acting strangly for a couple days and I just knew something was very wrong. Well, sad to say, I had to put her down. Her kidneys were failing her. Very sad. I brought her home around 4 p.m. and my sweet, loving, caring husband, built her a coffin, and we buried her out by my wild flower garden yesterday. I put her favorite sock-toy in with her. She was 14 years old, and I had rescued her that long ago when she was a very tiny kitten. She only weighed 5 ounces, and was around 3-4 weeks old at the time. She did have a good life, and for that I am thankful. She was a beautiful and loving cat. We will miss her. She gave us much joy with her antics, voiceful opinions on different matters, lap-time spending, especially downstairs sitting in front of the fireplace...She just loved that. Now, B-Bob and Tooter are left. B-Bob is 16 years old, and Tooter is around ten. So far, so good regarding them.
Hubby and I made the first donation to the new organization's "Shelter Fund" in Sissy's memory. Life must go on.
If you are an animal lover, and you would like to donate to our cause, or be a member, I guarantee your donation will be put to great use. If you want to, send whatever you feel you can to The C.C.A.P.L. - P.O. Box 353 - Carrollton, Ohio 44615-0353. I will send you a response, add you to the list, which will include updates and letters vial email or snail-mail as to what is going on with us in our progression. Thanks so much! Hopefully soon, we can get someone to develope a website for us and work from that!
Father-in-law's shoulder is finally healing. He did not come down last Sunday as he was having a lot of difficulty with the incision draining. The doctor ordered him to take 3 hot showers daily. Now it is finally healing closed, barely draining, and seems a lot better.
Hubby is going to make his wonderful spaghetti today! Yeah and Yum, Yum. It is so good.
Tuesday evening I am going to speak at the Boy Scouts in town, and hopefully at the Middle School in the near future. I would also like to speak at some, if not all, of the 4-H groups in the area. I'm working on this.
I will be taking a flyer I made up that seems to be taking off to raise money. I call it: "Pennies for Paws" and the youngsters that attended the meeting are anxious to get started collecting pennies to donate to the shelter fund.
Maybe someone out there will donate some land to us, say possibly five acres. It would be a great start! Or, maybe put us in their will???
I received an email from our local television station. They said a Severe Weather Warning is coming up for our area. Uh-oh. Maybe no school tomorrow? If so, I probably won't have anyone attending my W.I.S.H. session, unless they don't have children and could come anyways. Of course, it depends on what the weather is that is coming???
Oh, one more thing. I am sending out my books to different libraries. Check out the listing of libraries on the first page of my website. If you know of a library that would take my books, (free, of course), let me know.
That's about it for now folks.
Best regards-Be good to yourself-you deserve it!
Becky :)
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