Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sat. morning, November 4th, 2006

Hello everyone,
It has been a little crazy around here and I have been working/volunteering more at the V.A. office too.

The new dog, Lucy, is adjusting well, but boy is she a frisky pup. (Vet says she is about 2 years old. That's what I thought too.) I took her to the vet the other day and had all the necessary innoculations done, got the worm medicine, and had her heart-worm tested too. She was good. She loves to play ball, especially the tennis ball. Clara has a little trouble sharing, but we are working on it.
Brrr! It is cold this morning. In the 20's! It was even snowing Thursday night when I went to the training session for the election.

Hubby and I are going to go and get a load of wood this morning early. He saws and cuts it up and I load it in the truck. I have to follow him this morning and leave my car in town to get all the election equipment before noon, for the general election on Tuesday. Don't forget to vote! It is an honor and a priviledge!

I was awake at 4 a.m. and got up shortly thereafter. The cats needed their early morning vittles as always.

I am going to visit my sister this coming week. I will be leaving on Wednesday morning. I am looking forward to seeing her. It has been about a year since we last got together. She has the whole time planned, and I am sure it will be great.

The second book sales is moving right along, plus I am also selling some of the first book. I have been getting some feedback from different people who have read it. They seem to really like it. That is a good thing.

My cousin called me the other day. It was good to hear from him. He is doing much better and I am relieved.

Gotta go, now.
Sorry this is so brief, but I have things to do before we take off to get the wood.
Have a great weekend.

Stay safe, and be good to yourself. You deserve it.

By the way, check out the new tab on my website that says: "In a Rapist's eyes". Very informative and could save a life! Someone emailed it to me and I thought it was so informative I wanted to share it with you.
Be blessed.
Becky :)


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