New dog-Stark State S&S-derogitory comments. Oct 26, 2006
Hi, Folks.
Well, we have another beagle. She has been named "Lucy" and she is quite a wild little thing. She showed up over at hubby's brother house. He kept her for four days and called all around. No one has claimed her. She is about 2-3 years old, very skinny, with fleas attached, (trying to get them one-by-one), and seems like a happy puppy. She has adjusted well so far, and loves to play with a ball. We feel she was once a house dog. She is also going out of heat, and it appears she has already had a litter of puppies at some time. She will be spayed in the spring! She and Clara play a lot, racing around and chasing each other. A slight tift occured yesterday over the rope-thing, but that was resolved quickly. Can't have fighting among the pack! She is going to the vet soon to be checked out for worms, heartworm, and given her rabies and other vaccinations.
I was at Stark State yesterday for a book sales and signing. It was good to see some of my former teachers that stopped by and got my second book. I was also able to see some other people that I had made friends with during my "college days." I was also able to talk with several women, young and middle-aged, about domestic violence and abuse. Some of them shared stories with me of their own experiences and how they got out and survived, yet some still need help in self-esteem and feeling worthy. I am so glad some of them are moving on and going to college to get a better life for themselves and their children. (I always take literature with me from the W.I.S.H. sessions to share with others. The more anyone can learn about Domestic violence and abuse the better!)
Today is store day with the neighbor and getting things done around here that need done.
It has been quite cold in these parts, and thankfully the wind died down yesterday so that when I got home, I didn't have to dress like an Eskimo while the dogs were playing and running around for their evening exercise. The day before, I had on so many clothes I could barely move! It was quite cold and brisk. Brrr. I do not handle the very cold well, but I like to be outdoors and play with the dogs and share responsibilty of watching all four of them romp and play and of course, keeping an eye on them so they do not get in trouble or go across the road or venture to far from our large yard area. Of course, Mandy, the little beagle, always goes into the field to search out voles, moles, etc. to pounce upon. She is such a hunter, at least she thinks she is.
Ya know folks, this is my website. I pay for it, and I do believe I have the right to post what I want-even critisism. I can take it. But, I will not tolerate nasty, derogitory, inflammatory, malicious comments on my website. It just is not going to happen! End of that story.
Thanks for the emails I received from those who saw the "news clip" on WTRF, channel 7. I appreciate your comments and uplifting words.
Get educated about Domestic Violence and abuse. It could save a life!
Gotta go. Lots to do.
Have a great week and don't forget to turn your clocks back!
Be blessed,
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