Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday morning, December 3, 2006

Hello folks,

In my last blog, I forgot to mention that I watched "The March Of The Penguins" and it was truly an interesting, informative, and awesome film. Wow! If you haven't seen it, see it. Very inspiring! Amazing!

Even one of our cats, Tooter, decided to watch it too! She sat in front of the television for over half an hour and watched it. I took a picture of her watching the television. She seemed very captivated by the movie. She does that sometimes. Even when I am watching a nature show, she sits and watches. It makes me wonder what she is thinking or getting out of the program???? I'll never know.

The wind has died down, (over 60 miles an hour and no snow!), and we only lost two shingles. One on the house and one on the older garage. (Which will need replaced soon. Maybe next summer?)

I have been so busy with getting the house ship/shape for guests coming next Saturday night. I have decorated outside, but have waited to put on the garland and the large red bows as I didn't want the garland to be shredded by the wind, and the bows ending up down the road. Hopefully I can finish it all today outside, and then work on inside preparations. I love to decorate for Christmas!

I did have an extra chore to do yesterday. Friday evening as I was sitting upstairs watching CSI, I started to smell smoke. I opened the basement door and the basement was filled with wood smoke from the fireplace. I asked hubby what happened and evidently when he went to close the screens for the fireplace, he accidentally closed the damper almost shut! The smoke filled the basement and started to come upstairs! Major-ooooopppsss!!!! He had to open the back basement door, run the fan, and of course, open the damper all the way!

Soooo, yesterday morning, I added on my "To Do List-scrub basement." I washed down all the wood-paneled walls and the furniture in the basement with Murphy's oil soap, and this morning I am washing the throw covers that are on the furniture down there. Whew! Now that it is almost spic & span, I will start decorating it. Hubby did feel bad about it, and told me he was sorry he caused me so much extra work. He did offer to help, but you know men and cleaning, they just don't do it like a woman does!!!

We went down to New Philly yesterday and he bought me a pair of one-piece Carharts (spelling?) coveralls to wear outside when the weather is very cold. I had to get an x-large in the youth department for the length. The large size would probably have worked, but getting them zipped over my chest was the main problem. The small size in the adult department was about twelve inches too long. I asked the guy if they (Carhart) did not consider the fact that women hunt or do things outside, and why wouldn't they make a petite size for women? He did not have an answer. Oh, well, the youth size will be fine.

We are still eating turkey! We had some the other night, and still have some left. I will probably give the rest of it to father-in-law when he comes today to take home and munch on.

In all the shopping, running around like crazy, decorating, fixing special dishes, sending out cards, try to remember what the season is about. Jesus. We do tend to get caught up in all the hoopla of Christmas, but take the time to pause and have a few quiet moments to reflect on the season and its awesome meaning.

One time hubby and I were really broke. We just did not have any money for Christmas presents. We were really, really struggling. He had lost his job, and money was extremely tight. I was so depressed, and then someone said to me, "Why not make notes and put them in a person's card that you will give a gift of love: washing their car come spring, or fixing them a dinner, or praying for them, or wishing them health and happiness, or offering to help them in some way that is needed, taking them to the doctor, or taking them to get a hair cut, or just visiting with them, so on and on it goes. Buying monetary gifts are nice, but sometimes if money is low, doing something for someone can be just as meaningful or more as giving them a gift you think you have to purchase. There can be a rough time in your life, but it can also be a stepping stone to better things to come. Be patient.

Gotta go. Another load of laundry is done and I have to do more. Take care. Be blessed, and remember Christmas for the season it is. A time of renewal, a time to be thankful for what you have, and a time to share with others and celebrate the "Reason for the Season!- Jesus' birth!

I wrote a poem last Christmas. It is in my December 2005, blog archives. Enjoy!

In God's Love,
Becky :)


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