Thursday, February 01, 2007

February 1, 2007 Greetings

Hello Everyone,
Well, it is now officially winter. BRRRR! Funny thing, when we had that warm weather back in December, I noticed some of my daffodils coming up! Some of them are at least up three inches, but they are tough, and I'm sure they will wait now to finish growing come spring. Speaking of spring, it is so nice to see that the days are getting longer already. It was after six o'clock last night and it was still daylight.

I have been so busy with the new organization! Lots of people are very interested in it, and are joining. We have some fundraisers coming up already, and we have a very interested group of people willing to help. Great!

I am doing a W.I.S.H. session tonight because some women just cannot make it on Monday mornings when I have my other sessions. Hopefully, I will have a good turnout and we will get a lot accomplished and discussed.

I am still trying to donate my books to various libraries. Most of them are very open and glad for the donations. Any way I can get someone to read them, and hopefully save a life, I am for it!

Our one cat, Tooter, seemed to act like she missed, Ms. Sissy for a while, but I think she is okay now. Life goes on.

I have already spoken to a Boy Scout/Pack Group and I have scheduled other speaking engagements on the new organization in February and one in April. The more education I can give to young people, the more they may respond by taking good care of their pets.

At our first meeting, all the officers were elected, plus three extra Board of Directors.

I am patiently waiting for the weather to break so I can have another "Author Workshop" or two in my area. The ones I had last year were very successful and I do believe those that attended learned a lot. It was a great experience for me.

My great nephew will be having his thirteenth birthday tomorrow! Wow! Hard to believe he is going to be a teenager! Where does the time and the years go??? They seem to just fly by anymore.

The little beagle dog, Lucy, either has come back in heat again, or has a urinary infection. I am taking her to the veterinarian's office tomorrow to have her checked. We did not get her spayed yet as the weathere took a turn and became quit cold and we were waiting until spring and warmer weather. I can hardly believe she has come back in heat again after only two and a half months! Hopefully she is not.
Although I have not seen any male dogs roaming around, we are watching her carefully.

The snow is so pretty, but it has been so cold! My hubby even got a "Snow Day" on Tuesday. It was terrible. I drove my elderly neighbors to a doctor appointment, and it was very treacherous driving. He had to have a cancerous tumor removed from his back, and the stitches removed from his face where another tumor was taken off two weeks ago. We made it up and back fine, but the weather was terrible. At some times there were numerous white-outs, and I could barely see beyond the tree in our back yard. The birds were sure having trouble flying around and landing at the feeders.

Gotta go for now.
Stay safe, and be good to yourself, you deserve the best!
Best regards,
Becky :)


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