Sunday, March 11, 2007

sunday morning, March 11, 2007

Good morning, folks,

I attended a baby shower yesterday for our elderly neighbor's granddaughter. She lives in Idaho and flew in for her baby shower. I met this lovely girl twenty-three years ago when hubby and I bought our place. I used to pay her to pick up rocks out of our garden! Most of the time she worked diligently at it. This young girl, (who is now 33 years old), at one time had a skull separation and had to have surgery when she was very young-around 8 months old, I believe. The doctors said if she did not have the surgery, she would probably be disabled/slow learner, etc. I believe she had two surgeries to correct the problem. It was a gamble whether or not the surgery would work---it did. Today she is a very intelligent young lady, and has a very high-paying job in journalism.
Watching her yesterday at her baby shower, I could not help but reflect on the fact that she has come a long way in her young life. What could have been a medical problem to hold her back intellectually and physically, she has excelled beyond all of it and is a wonderful person with values, morals, and a rich life.
Her mother is so proud of her and her accomplishments, and is looking forward to being a grandmother, as is her great-grandmother, my elderly neighbor.

I checked the pond when I got home. The liner is going down, but needs water. Hubby said we will add some today, as the small amount of rainfull did not do much in the way of filling the pond.

Today is suppose to be warm and I will probably be outside later on this morning, surveying my numerous flower gardens, and possibly doing some cleaning up of dead stuff. I have noticed daffodils peaking through, although they were up somewhat from before December when we had 60-degree weather before winter hit! They must be so confused!

While I was at the baby shower, I had the priviledge to sit next to a very pretty, young lawyer from Pa. (She went to college with the baby shower person and I believe they were roommates at college), I mentioned I was an author of two books, (I tell all I can when I can!), and I told her what they were about. She said when she was interning, she did have some experience in domestic violence and abuse cases. We had a good conversation about it (while baby-shower-person was opening gifts). Later on, when we went to the parking lot to leave, she bought one of my books...the sequel...A BETTER DAY DAWNING, and said she would order the first one through my website. I signed it for her, and she left to go back to Pa. I was thrilled that she bought the book, and I am looking forward to her reviews and comments.

Lots to do today! It is going to be a glorious day-weather wise.

Be blessed, laugh often, stay safe, and sieze the day-it is a gift!
Becky :)


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