Sunday, August 12, 2007 A mystery solved?
Hi, Everyone,
Hmm. Herman, or could it be Henrietta, is still missing. It will be two weeks tomorrow he/she has not been seen. This mystery may never be solved. Although, our niece, visiting from Mo. mentioned if Herman was in actuality a Henrietta, she might have left the pond searching for a mate because she is of the breeding age, around 3 years old, this could be why she is missing!
We had a wonderful visit with our niece and her dad, hubby's brother. She is a delightful young lady. Very polite, petite, intelligent, pretty, and very photogenic. I did manage to get some pictures of her with individual family members by the pond. She will be leaving today with her dad and grandfather to Wright-Patterson air force base to attend classes for her job. She is also attending college in Mo. for her Masters. Her dad will be staying with her grandfather all week and we look forward to visiting with him later in the week. He will leave on Friday to pick up his daughter and head back to Mo. Sure hope she can return again next year.
Hubby is getting his classroom ready for the start of school very soon. August 27th. My oh, my how the summer has flown by.
Today is a day of gardening. Picking green beans, tomatoes, and the work that goes with blanching and freezing them. Plus, with the rain we received this past week (over three inches), with various storms, tilling up the ground is a must. I picked a zucchini yesterday and grilled it for our cook-out. Goodness. It was almost the size of a baseball bat!
Hubby and I, along with another volunteer, worked the hot dog/pop stand at the local Dollar General Market yesterday morning. We hauled everything in with our two cars, and then left around 12:30 p.m. I went back in at 5:45 p.m. and loaded everything in my car, with help from one of the workers, and brought it all home. When I finally finished washing stuff we used and putting things away, it was 8 p.m. I was beat. But, it was all worth it as we made close to $200.00 in sales and donations. Awesome! Hubby spent a lot of time the next morning drying the pop cans from the large tubs we had to keep it cold, and then drying each can individually, then putting them all back in the tubs to use for another fundraiser in Oct. Hope that pop keeps okay until then.
Next week I will be busy with the elderly neighbors and doctor appointments. Plus, I have one myself next Friday to get my eyes checked. It has been three years and I am noticing a change.
I slept in this morning. Something I have not done for a very long time. B-bob the cat seemed to think this was not acceptable. He kept coming in the bedroom, jumping on the bed and talking to me, as if saying, "Hey, time to get up!" Stinker. Then of course after I did get up around 7:30 a.m., he went into his nap-mode! Of course that is what cats do best.
I'm still waiting to hear from the gal at Border's bookstore on having a book signing in October.
Something else. I will have my computer guy list the Domestic Violence shelters I have donated books too. Maybe you could pass this information along to someone that may need to know as soon as I get it on my website. Plus, I am going to have a "Frequently Asked Questions" on my website too, and will have this set up asap.
Stay safe, and be blessed.
Best regards,
Becky :)
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