Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18, 2007 - A busy two weeks!

Hi, Folks,
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. It has been really busy here with lots of company from out of state, reunion, holiday, garden, (green beans galore), work, elderly neighbors, CCAPL, and just keeping up with stuff.

Something strange really happened yesterday. After hubby let the dogs loose for their exercise, he saw a little groundhog up in the Maple tree! Goodness. In all my years, I have never seen a groundhog up a tree before! So we had to tie up the dogs again, then try to get the little fellow down out of the tree and send him packing to the field next door out of dog-range. Well, things don't always work out as planned. He dropped out of the tree (hubby had a 5-gal. bucket to catch him), but he scurried away and ended up underneath our back porch. We let the dogs loose again, and hubby discovered the groundhog made his way over to the side porch by the garage! Uh-oh. I put Lucy in the garage, and we put a lease on Clara, and I held onto Woodrow. Mandy was on the back porch. While I watched, he got the little fellow off of the porch and he made a bee-line into the flower bed that has a stone planter around the house. We waited and watched the dogs and would not let them venture out front in case "Chuck" was making his escape via the front yard!

He must have left the area, as we did not see him tonight at all. I am glad. They can be a nuisance to farmers, but I kinda like the little guys. Just so Clara and Lucy don't see one, they are safe. But then, living in the country, things happen.

We sure need some rain. It was suppose to storm last night but it didn't do hardly anything. We are supposed to get more tonight and tomorrow.
Hubby and I took a chance and went fishing this morning. We caught lots of fish, but nothing to keep for supper!

Another strange thing we saw the other day. There was the most beautiful goldfinch in the back yard. It was extremely plump, but also seemed to have a problem closing its beak. It did eat at the feeder on the ground, and did fly to the birdbath and got a drink. Yet, while it was on the ground below the feeder, it seemed so preoccupied, we were able to get right up close to it. At one time, it did manage to get on the post of the finch feeder, but it did not stay long. I haven't seen it now for two days. I was going to try and net it, to see if it had something stuck in its throat, but it has not been around. Sometimes nature plays tricks, and it could have had a genetic defect. Not sure.

The other day a little wren landed on the back porch. It looked similar to the house wrens we have, but it was different. I looked it up, and it was a Carolina wren. Really cute!

My elderly neighbor has two cataracts, plus macular degeneration in one eye. The doctor is going to remove one of the cataracts at the end of this month. He gave her vitamins to help the macular degeneration from progressing. That is cool.

Hubby is done with his class for his Masters for this summer. He got an "A" and I am so proud of him! He is so smart!

We are having our first corn tonight for supper! Yum, Yum! It is about three weeks overdue!

With the price of fuel and heating oil, we are going to put in electric (energy-saving) baseboard heaters very soon. Hubby ordered them the other day. Fuel oil is out of sight, along with gasoline!

Be sure and check out new additions to websites I am having my computer guy add soon.

I also have been calling different domestic violence shelters in Ohio. I am asking them if I can send them my books to help someone going through the abuse and violence, and hopefully get out before they die, and get a better life for themselves and their children.

It can be done. It just takes a lot of strength, will power, belief in yourself, and courage.

Gotta get supper started, and lots to do tonight.
Stay safe, be good to yourself, and remember--- No one deserve to be abused or have violence against them! You deserve the best as do your children.

Take care, and keep in touch.
Best regards,
Becky :)


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