Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday morning, May 27, 2007

Hi, Folks,

Well, it has been an interesting week. I can't find "Miss Piggy." Wednesday while feeding the fish in the early morning, I noticed she did not come to feed. I really didn't think a thing of it at the time as she does this now and then. When she didn't appear on Thursday, I started searching for her among the aquatic plants in the pond and the large Lily pads. I couldn't spot her anywhere. Hmm. By Friday I was getting worried, still searching among all the plants, as she still had not shown up to feed. Yesterday I went down in the pond and walked all around it---searching for her. She was a very large orange and white (on her body), fantail fish and we have had her in the pond for about seven years. Now I know fish don't live forever, but gosh, she was my favorite and now I believe she is gone.

Hubby said if she died, she would have floated to the surface for at least a few days being it has been so warm, but she has not. I can't imagine she got caught down in the Lily pad stems, unless she was weak from spawning and didn't have the energy left to do so, but gosh, I moved them all around when I was in there yesterday, and they are not that thick. Couldn't find her anywhere.

She was the last of the somewhat original fish we put in the pond years ago when it was established. This is a real bummer. I know, it is just a fish, but hey, I feel bad I couldn't find her to rescue her. She certainly produced plenty of offspring, but none of them are built like she was. She was very plump and wide from top to bottom...not long like a Koi or goldfish. She had the most beautiful white fan-tail with a little bit of orange through it. Extra bummer.

This past week was also the anniversary of my sister-in-law's death. She was a very loving, and caring wife, mother, and grandmother. I still miss her smiling face and great sense of humor.
She lost her courageous battle with cancer. She was and will always remain a very special lady to me.

Memorial Day, Goosey-Lucy, the recent adopted-beagle and I are going to be in the parade in town for the new animal organization. I hope I have arms left by the time we get done. She is not obedience trained, and is such a wild thing. I am going to take her into town today and have a practice run. Plus, I decorated a large poster board sign and will have that around my neck with a rope. This should be interesting and a challenge.

Herman is doing well, and comes to feed when I feed the fish. He sure is growing! I did get him out the other day and checked to see if he is a male or a female. I believe he is a male, or I would have to rename him to Henrietta or something of the sort.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. Remember the fallen who gave their lives. So many lives, so many wars, so much sacrifice. I wish the war we are in would be over soon.

Stay safe, be blessed, and count each day as a blessing. Whatever diversity you face, whatever trials you are having, remember, celebrate your life everyday. It is a gift. Share it. Give someone a hug, call someone and lift their spirits. Help someone in need. Be kind to animals.

Have a great week!


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