Monday, June 04, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Good morning, folks,

Well, the fundraiser for the CCAPL went pretty good at the Ribs burn-off. It was a very hot day. We were in a hanger (minus the plane), and the other volunteer ran out and got a fan for us. While she worked on putting it together, I was setting up our displays and wares to sell. People started buying things as early as 11 a.m., even though the event was not to start until noon. Fine with us! We were dripping sweat off of our chins, and loosing fluids rapidly. Finally, after what seemed forever, we got the fan running, (borrowed a Phillips screwdriver to connect the fan to the base, and some sweet fellow found an outlet that worked at the back of the hanger, I was able to borrow an extension cord from across the way, and the relief from the fan was like heaven!)
We talked to so many animal lovers and heard many funny and heartwarming stories that people shared with us. It was a beautiful day!

We still have not found "Miss Piggy." (Sigh here, but despite the heat, we haven't smelled her either, so I don't know what to think.)

Father-in-law came down yesterday. He and his girlfriend went to N. Carolina to visit girlfriend's sister. While down there, they toured the Biltmore Estates. What a place! It covers 8,000 acres. Incredible!

I have taken a few weeks off from work to spend some time with hubby before he starts school again for the summer at Kent. We went up last week for him to get his parking pass and pay for his class. Good grief! Ninety-nine miles round trip, including detours. Whew! With gas at $3.---whatever a gallon, it will be an expensive class for the summer, but worth it in the long run when he finally finishes and gets his Masters degree.

Yesterday I got up at 5 a.m. and started chores. Did four loads of laundry, cleaned, swept, scrubbed, dusted, tilled the garden (my two rows), weed whacked, cleaned the pond filter, used the water to water plants in the garden, and watered some zinnia flowers that are just coming up. We do need some rain.

Hubby and I went fishing last Friday. Right away I caught a really large Bluegill, and then two more. Hubby caught a nice crappie...then nothing else for the rest of the morning except little Bluegill that acted like large-mouth bass when they hit the hook! When we reeled them in, they were about two inches long. Feisty little fish! We finally headed back to the marina around one-thirty. We put the fish we had caught back in the lake, and headed home. Not enough for a fish dinner. Maybe next time.

It is going to rain off and on today, so I am going into town and do some errands, and hopefully we can go other days this week. It is supposed to cool off starting today.

At 5 p.m. tonight, the CCAPL has another fund-raiser at the Ponderosa Rest. I will work an hour and then another shift of volunteers will come in. Tomorrow night is our meeting.

I sure wish someone would donate us some land (five acres or more would be wonderful), so we could get an animal shelter built and save lives and get those poor, neglected, abandoned, dumped animals a "forever home!"

Gotta go for now. I'll talk to you later in the week!
Be safe, be blessed, and have a wonderful week!


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