Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday July 1, 2007-The Jessie Davis/Chloe murder

So very, very sad. A wonderful young life, Jessie, and her unborn child, Chloe, wiped out, just like that.

Did Bobbie Cutts, Jr. "just lose it" as so many abusive and angry men claim? No, they don't "Just lose it." They absolutely know what they are doing because they feel totally justified in their actions. They blame everyone else for what happens to them, except owning up to their own faults and abusive nature, and it all revolves around them and their feelings and the heck with what anyone else feels.

When dealing with a person who seems so wonderful, cheerful, fun-loving, charismatic, funny, etc, etc., on the outside, do we really know what they are like behind closed doors? No. Not unless we were there.

Do we really know what goes on in the minds of angry and controlling men? No. Not unless we were there living with him, having a relationship with him, and possibly cohabitation with him. I do believe his first wife came forth and told it like it was, behind their closed doors.

As a victim and now a survivor of domestic violence and abuse from a former marriage partner, I could tell from the beginning, just by looking at Bobby Cutts, Jr.'s face, body language, and demeanor that he is and has been a very angry, cocky, coercive and controlling individual for a long time.
It is all about him---his wants, his needs, his life! He knew what he was doing the whole time. He did not lose control, he was in control the whole time, feeling justified in his actions. It is all about "power and control---his power over women and his control of their lives regardless of how they felt---their lives revolved around him.

He put on the façade for the world outside, just like my ex-husband did, as do many other abusive, violent and controlling men in this world. But but behind closed doors, there was and still is an angry and controlling person. I'm sure it will be revealed down the road in time.

That is all for today, folks.
Stay safe, get educated about domestic violence and abuse. Don't close the door on the information that is out there and on this website. Deal with it! Please learn what signs to look for. Think with your mind and not your heart so that you do not get coerced into a relationship that could escalate into your death!

Becky Conrad


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