Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hello everyone,
I woke up early this morning at 5 a.m. with the beautiful music playing outside my window-the symphony of birds and all their glorious songs. What a way to start a morning!

Company is coming today for the entire day around noon. Father-in-law and his girlfriend are coming. It will be a nice visit. He is bringing steaks, and I am making spaghetti salad, baked beans, and I got the garlic bread sticks at Dollar General Market yesterday. Yum! Yum!

Hubby and I got some fishing in this week. The weather was beautiful on the lake, and there was a good breeze to keep things cooler. I did catch a little catfish, but put him back. He needs to grow some more. Plus, some of the feisty Bluegill, a small large-mouth bass, and what looked like a small whitish-colored perch. Not sure about that one. Hubby wasn't either. Hubby caught a few of the feisty Bluegill too and another small perch.

I went down in the pond yesterday and cleaned out a lot of extra pond plants that were just too thick. It is amazing how the pond plants can take over a pond. Even if some of them are in baskets. They spread outside the baskets and are so thick!

I talked with my sister yesterday, and they finally got some greatly-needed rain in Georgia.
I sure hope the fires are out down there by now. I talked with my brother too, and he seems fine. Very busy.

Gee, so Paris Hilton has to spend a little time in jail. What is so ridiculous about all of it is this: Why does she think, because she is wealthy, she can get special treatment? She really needs to quit whining, and be responsible for her actions. What a spoiled brat! Time for her to grow up and act like, and be an adult.

A couple people want some of my fish in the pond. Fine with me, but those little buggers are so hard to catch at this time of year! As soon as they see the net, they vanish!

This is going to be short today. I have so much to do for company coming, and for a Board of Directors meeting this week for the CCAPL.

Catch you later, folks. Have a great week! I'll try to blog later in the week!
Stay safe, be blessed, and enjoy the beautiful sunshine!
Becky :)


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