Sunday, January 01, 2017

January 1st, 2017

Thanks for stopping by my website. I do hope you can get some valuable information from my website to help yourself or someone you know who is going through domestic violence and abuse.

Well, the company is still here visiting from Nebraska. I've fixed so many meals I lost count! Anyway, today they return and we will visit some more, play some cards (Euchre) and eat more food I will prepare for us. (We will have leftover Pork roast & Sauerkraut from last night, and I'll make more mashed potatoes and a veggie of sorts.)

Tigger-cat woke me up at 1:30 a.m. racing through the house. Not sure what that was about but she was looking out the window so I got up, looked out too but didn't see a thing. Sheesh. Crazy cat. So I got up and went to the family room. Turned on the T.V. for a little bit, then shut it off and dozed on the couch. Woke up at 3:45 a.m. and just got up and made coffee. So I'm up for the day now. Hubby got up at 4 a.m.

I just got an email from my nephew over in China. He has lived other there for many years. He is really into Bio Fuel and the environment. So smart and so handsome! I'm so proud of him!

I have all the Christmas decorations put away except for the lights out on the fence outside. I'll probably take them down soon, depending on the weather if it warms up a little or maybe not until spring! Who knows? Or, maybe hubby will do it. He's good about doing those things for me!

Now that I have officially retired as of December 19th, I will be busier than ever! I've already started researching for more grants to help the CCAPL with funding for all the interior work that needs done inside the unfinished animal shelter. Cement work, electrical, rest of the plumbing, Geothermal system, interior walls for the rooms, and so much more. But we are getting there one step at a time.  Now we wait until spring to hopefully get some electric (rough-in) to have some heat blowers for when the cement guy starts pouring. There seems to be a lot of condensation coming from the plastic covering the insulation in the ceiling above. And if we don't get some heat in there to dry it up, he can't pour the cement as the dripping from the ceiling will damage the cement! Oh, it will work out eventually we are sure of that. It just will take some planning and strategy to get it all in place!

Well, I am going to miss my boss/supervisor/pal big time! She has been such a friend over the years. But, we will keep in touch and will "do lunch" occasionally to keep up with each other's lives.

So now, onward and upward as they say. I'm looking forward to a year of more challenges!

You take care and be safe, and remember this: Be a survivor! You deserve it a good life for yourself and your children!

My best to you!
Becky :)


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