Friday, July 21, 2017

Friday, July 21st, 2017

Hi, Everyone,
Thanks for stopping by my website!
It has been crazy for the last three months dealing with so many things!
Trying to get the garden in with all the rain, and then couldn't even work in it because of all the rain. Then hubby's Dad had some medical issues and he was in the hospital for tests, but the hospital couldn't complete all of them, so they sent him back home. (He will be 94 the end of August and has been living by himself right down the road from us but we check on him all the time.) Then he started having some other health issues, and then it got really crazy. Had him in the hospital for six days for a UTI (urinary tract infection), and also a stomach infection (which they discovered two weeks prior when he did have some of the test done.) Then he insisted it was time to go to a nursing home. Arranged all of that, and now he is not a happy camper with the place so we are trying to find an alternative route to take with his care.
I finally picked some green and yellow beans four days ago, and just today got them snapped and blanched and put in freezer bags. Then I discovered tomato worms on my huge tomato plants (huge because of all the rain and even went in the garden when it was muddy with my wader boots on and hubby handed me metal stakes to put down through the wire baskets around the plants as they were leaning over), and got those fixed. Then more rain and then hot, hot hot---92 degrees and so humid!
We couldn't get my little tiller to work as the rubber thing that you push to prime it has a slit in it), so hubby had to shoot gasoline into the carburetor to get it started, but it wouldn't stay going as air was going in through the little rubber thing), so I had to use his big tiller and that about killed my back!! Then I had to pull weeks and hoe the green beans, pull weeds around all the onions, and the pepper plants and put the cucumber branches into the woven wire fencing I have for them to vine on.

Today I tied baler twine around the tomato branches to keep them from breaking off and going to the ground. Sheesh! Many tomatoes on the plants, just hope they ripen!

I haven't' had a chance between all of this going on and also the company from out-of-state, plus the CCAPL stuff going on just not enough time in the day!

Oh, my van died out at the shelter one Sunday. July 2nd. I called my friend who I had just met there and she had left, and she came back and got me and took me home. Hubby and I went back and the jumper cables didn't work, so it wasn't the battery. We left it overnight. Had to have a tow truck take it to the garage down the road to get it fixed on Monday. Didn't get it back until July 5th, (after the holiday) and hubby left his car after we picked up mine (bad starter-$308.00), because his air conditioning compressor was toast. Waited a few days for it to get fixed, then he was on his way back from seeing his Dad at the hospital and his engine blew---bummer! Just put over $500.00 in the new air conditioner compressor! Just thankful he made it to the car repair shop in Malvern before it totally died.  So he has not had a vehicle to drive except for using his Dad's car when necessary for short trips back and forth to Dad's place, so we have been traveling together in my van to go different places. Back and forth to the hospital for six days was most of it, then back and forth to the nursing home.

Yesterday I had to go west side of Canton, and see a person who is dying of lung cancer and meet his cat. After I got back, hubby and I went to a dealership garage up in Malvern and hubby got a jeep. Nice wheels! So he is good to go now and in time for when he goes back to school to teach.  Only two more years and he can retire.  I'm hoping to find him a part-time job as he will get so bored and I will be....well, let's just say, he needs something to do after he retires!

So just a few things to share with you on my blog. Sure seems different when I don't have any domestic cases to share with you, but trust me on this, they are out there!

So be safe, learn all you can and don't be a victim of domestic violence and abuse! Tell other too and possibly save a life, even your own!

Until next time,
Becky :)


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