Sunday, September 23, 2007

Good morning, folks,
Exciting things are happening for me, and I praise God for it. Not only did I get to have a book signing at my first Barnes & Noble this month, I have a book signing at my first Border's store in October. Then, I have also been invited to do a book signing at another Barnes & Noble in Wheeling, West Virginia. I am so elated!
Recently, Infinity Publishing, (my publisher), created a website,, and I have signed up to do this website too. I am still in the learning stages, and am working on getting more information on the website regarding myself, and my books. New things are happening, and it is exciting. The more public I can reach to share my stories, the better. I just want to save a life somewhere of the traumatic and overwhelming emotional roller coaster of suffering abuse and domestic violence. Everyday, somewhere, one out of four women suffer and are subjected to it. This staggering statistic is reality, folks, and the more you know about it, the more it can be prevented or reduced.

My co-worker (she is the Victim Advocate for the office and does a terrific job), and I attended a local health fair in another community nearby for the Victim Assistance office. Although there were not a lot of people in attendance, (so much going on that day in other areas), we feel we did reach some people, handed out valuable information on domestic violence and abuse, and hopefully someone will learn from it and pass the information on to someone else. (I did win a door prize- a really compact and valuable first aid kit!).

The garden is winding down, except for the tomatoes and peppers. They are still coming on, but need some rain. I have a basket of tomatoes sitting on the back porch table to do today. I did rip out the green beans. I picked so many, and froze so many, and gave so many away, I was done with them. Great season for the garden, even though we did lack rain at various times, it just kept flourishing.

The first day of autumn was yesterday, but with 80 degree weather, summer isn't over yet. Just a couple weeks ago, we turned on the heaters, and now we could almost turn on the air-conditioning, but I did not. Just the ceiling fans, and opened the window. That was enough. At least it cooled down in the evenings and has been very pleasant.

The leaves are falling, and I am trying to keep up with removing them from the pond. Still no sign of Herman/Henrietta. She/he must have sought out greener pastures or a bigger pond??

Hubby bought a log-splitter yesterday at Tractor Supply in Philly. It is pretty. Red in color. He tried out a large piece of log, and boy was that slick how fast it split it. That will certainly save his back! When his Dad comes down today, he is going to try and do some more. Hubby did manage to get a cold already. He usually does within the first few weeks of school. Never fails.
I hope he keeps it to himself, as I do not want it! No kissing allowed here-except on the cheek!
(Tractor Supply is building a huge store in our area. That is a good thing as it will create more jobs and help the community. It is being built right next to Dollar General Market on State Rt. 43 in Carrollton. It is supposed to be opening around March of 2008.)

I have been diligently painting signs in the garage for the CCAPL bazaar October 13th. I have three done, and have maybe three or four more to go. I hope to put them up soon at various locations. I will need hubby's help as stakes will have to be driven in the ground, and then attach the signs with wire. He is good at that. He is good at a lot of things!

The young author I met at the Writestuff writers conference near Cleveland is having some health issues. Her name is Debbie Alferio and she is a delightful and very intelligent person, plus a good writer. Please put her in your prayers for healing. She is trying to get her second book finished in her "Forever Kind of Love" series. I read the first book, and it was very good. I am honored to be acquainted with her and we email often sharing views and things. She was the person that gave me such valuable information on the Barnes & Noble, Border's, etc. bookstores that have given me the opportunity to get into these stores. Thanks, Debbie! God Bless you!

Lots of things to do today. I think I will catch up on cleaning our house! The sweeper has been sitting out for over a week, and I really need to use it. It just stares at me when I walk by it! Ha!

Have a wonderful week, be blessed, and be safe.
Becky :)

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