Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday morning, Sept. 16, 2007

Hi, Everyone,

Sure hope you had a good week. It was very beautiful, but if you are in Ohio, you could see more leaves falling and the smell of fall in the air, plus the cooler temperatures.

When I got up this morning, cat woke me up at 3:45 a.m. (and he is still alive), then snuggled with hubby, (very cold in the house), then he got up and made coffee, I fell back to sleep, then woke up around 5:45 a.m., and got up. Brrr---was it cold---58 degrees in the house! So, hubby turned on the new electric baseboard heaters and it started to warm up. I did have to put on my flannel p.j. bottoms, as my legs were cold.

This past week I have been working on painting signs in the garage for the CCAPL's bazaar October 13th. I've been using black spray paint to cover the background, and then bright yellow 6" and 4" letters, painting them with a very small brush.

On Saturday, after I returned from doing my workshop, (which turned out really well, and we have decided to start a "Writer's Club"), I laid two more sheets of fiberboard down on the gravel driveway to spray paint. Well, the wind was a little up while I was doing it, so I do believe I managed to breath in some of the paint fumes. I had a little difficulty yesterday with coughing and breathing, but hopefully it is better today.

Today I am heading into the fairgrounds to help with a horse show. The horse show is called "I Believe I can Fly" and it is to help mentally challenged and handicapped children have a fun day.
I sure hope the weather warms up a little for them. It is supposed to be sunny, so that will help too.

Hubby and I went down to the edge of the woods yesterday afternoon, (I got to drive the tractor), and he dragged out four huge pieces of cherry and maple trees that the Power Company took down when they went through last year doing there "thing" for the power lines that go through our property. This will be good wood for our fireplace in the basement starting this fall. Hubby cleaned out the chimney yesterday too. He is trying to find a log splitter, but may borrow one from the neighbor fellow until he can find one. His back, that he injured over two weeks ago, is somewhat better, but chopping and splitting wood would not do it any good right now.

Father-in-law will be here today, and he will probably help hubby with getting more wood too.

I sure hope you have a safe and wonderful week. Pray for those in need, those that are hurting, alone, or in desperation for companionship, our country, and for the victims of domestic violence and abuse, especially the children.

Be blessed, stay safe, and until next time---be kind to others-you never know how much that person next to you may need a smile to lift their spirits. Yours might be the only one they get all day.

Becky :)



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