Sept. 9, 2006 - new sequel, author workshop, etc.
Good morning everyone!
I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for your e-mails of uplifting words and encouragement.
I do hope you get a chance to buy my sequel, A BETTER DAY DAWNING. My goal is for someone to know there is hope and a better life after violence and abuse, lies, deception, and coercion.
Whether you purchase the book through Infinity Publishing, or Amazon---(it is on Amazon's website now, but not yet available, but will be soon), or at a book sales and signing I am having, take the journey with me through more heartache, lies, and deception. Then, the rewards of an awesome love and forgiveness.
The sequel is long, about 743 pages from cover to cover. I compare it with "War and Peace" ---only a different "War" and a different "Peace"!
I have been sick for two days, and hopefully will be better by Monday to go to work.
My hubby, as I mentioned before on previous blog, got a cold. I thought I was doing fine, then wham, it hit me in the throat and chest on Thursday afternoon. Bummer.
Glad I had some medicine on hand to start taking. I even sprayed my throat with Chloroseptic spray at 3 o'clock this morning.
Next week is going to be very busy for me. Work Monday-(I hope)- Tuesday routine blood work in morning, then get hair cut, deliver more books to sell,-Wed. interview with local paper doing a story about sequel, deliver more books,- Thursday, work all day for the special election, 5:30 a.m. to 8-9 p.m., - Friday volunteer at the office, groceries, etc.
Then, Saturday, September 16th, is my "Author's workshop" at the Carroll County Arts Center - 204 W. Main Street, Carrollton, Ohio. It starts at 1 p.m. and ends at 3 p.m. It is $3.00 per person. You have to call the Arts Center to pre-register at 330-627-3739. It is open to anyone interested in learning about getting published. I have put together a lot of information and hope someone learns from it and is inspired. The "Do's and Don'ts" of getting published is the theme. I certainly can share my knowledge on that aspect! Plus, other valuable tips I have learned along the way. Whatever information I can pass on, the better to help someone want to get published. It is quite a rewarding experience.
If you need directions, email me through this website and I will be glad to do so.
Saturday, September 23rd, is also the book sales and signing! Don't forget! Hope to see you! (Check my website at the top of the first page, then click on the "Book Sales and signing" going across the top for information and directions.)
Okay. It is light outside now so it is time to feed the dogs, fish, turtle, fill bird feeders, etc., then get some more things done for the workshop.
Hope you all have a great weekend and a good week coming up. Don't forget to fly your flag on Monday, September 11, in honor of those who died on the most horrific day in United States history.
P.S. By the way. I noticed on my blog after it is posted that the time is not always correct when I do the blog. Right now it is 6:45 a.m. (Not sure how to change that.)
Peace, Love, and Laughter to all!
Best regards,
Becky :)
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