Monday, October 08, 2007

Monday, October 8, 2007

Hi, folks,
Yesterday, when I usually do my blog, I was having a lot of difficulty with my computer. First there was a virus, I took care of that, (RAN FOUR SCANS IN ONE DAY), then my emails/server would not work. I couldn't even reach the server by Internet. I did call them and left them a message, hoping, even though it was Sunday, someone might check the messages in case of trouble. By late afternoon, the problem was resolved. Then, I couldn't do my blog because "blogger" said my email did not exist. Finally got a hold of my computer guy, and he fixed the problem. Sheesh.

We had a good meeting Tuesday night of the CCAPL. My throat was starting to get a little sore and scratchy earlier in the day. I figured it was the hot weather/allergies, etc. Well, by the time I got home from the meeting, I could barely swallow and my throat was so sore. I sprayed it with Chloroseptic spray (that stuff is really good and works fast), took two Advil and went to bed. The next morning I could not talk above a whisper. Laryngitis hit me big time. I have a good chance of getting bronchitis, and possibly pneumonia, so off to the Doctor's I went to get the antibiotics. The Doctor also found fluid in my left ear. I noticed when I swallowed, it hurt on all of that side, but I didn't think about the ear.

Funny thing came up while the Doctor was examining me. She asked me if I ever had my eardrum ruptured. I told her "Yes, from my ex-husband's fist." She said there was scar tissue in the eardrum. I'll be darn. No one has ever said a word about my eardrum in all the times I have been to a doctor. Well, goes to show what was in my first book-was right on.

Well, by Thursday I had a voice back. Wasn't great, but better. Hubby was sick for two weeks with his "First school cold" and I try to avoid him, (no kissing on lips). Then my boss was sick on Monday too, so I got the bug. It was inevitable. Doctor stated I was at the office one year ago for the same thing, minus the fluid in the ear.

Hubby bought a gasoline-powered log splitter a couple weeks ago. Boy is it neat. It sure does a fantastic job of splitting wood. On Saturday, we went to Lowe's and he got an another chain saw. His smaller one was just was giving him lots of trouble and besides, it was old but it did give us a lot of use.

When we got back from Lowe's, we started on the logs in the field out by the woodshed we had dragged up from the woods. Well, that log splitter sure made mincemeat out of those trees. The biggest pieces were about five-six feet in circumference, and just one section, after it was all split, filled the wheelbarrow at least four times.

I was the official "wheelbarrow carrier-wood stacker" for the duration. Hubby said I did a good job of stacking and being a helper. Both our backs were pretty sore. Hubby's still is. He is strong, but those sections of the one big tree were quite an arduous task to maneuver and put on the log splitter. Hubby put it vertically so we didn't have to lift any pieces but snuggled them right up to the splitter. That was really the hard part, wrestling with the big pieces-getting them in position, and doing it over and over until the piece was completely split up. Of course it was 89 degrees, and we were out in the open THE WHOLE TIME. Hubby got a sunburn on his back. I got sunburned on my face (I have to wear a shirt). We drank at least a gallon of water. Hubby says we will wait until cooler weather to haul up more dead trees out of the woods. Fine with me.

I woke up yesterday morning at 1:30 a.m. (This morning it was 2:30 a.m.) Got on the computer, and discovered things were amiss with it, as it was all day long. Made coffee, and by 4 a.m. found the virus. Nasty-bad-evil people out there as you know folks-and one of these days-maybe soon-God will take care of them. Oh, another computer thing happened. I received two notices in emails. First one was from PayPal, said there was a question about my order, and if I clicked on the link for the "Resolution Center", type in my password, voila-there goes my information. I had a bad feeling about it, so I passed it on to my computer guy and he told me it was a scam.

Then later on in the day, another one came through from EBay about an order. I never have purchased anything from EBay so that one went to my computer guy too. BAD-Nasty-people out there. Beware folks. There is another popular one from Citizens Bank. DON'T OPEN IT. It really sounds really legit, but it is "Phishing" to the max. Let your bank call you or write you a letter and send by snail-mail. Even then, call the bank and verify the mail to see if it is legitimate.

In between my cleaning frenzy-(meeting of CCAPL members this morning at 9 a.m.-doing a "mass mailing"), I needed to clean my house. I had not done much but swept and dusted and it needed a major cleaning. So, between the 5 loads of laundry-furniture covers included, and trying to fix my computer-I got it done. I just have a little bit to do this morning before everyone arrives.

Well, hubby will be getting up soon. I'm going to make coffee and get more done before guests arrive.

Be blessed, laugh often, and enjoy your week-oh, and stay safe.
Becky :)
P.S. Had trouble publishing this blog. Error message came up-hasn't done that in a while-said I can't use exclamation points-bummer-they are my favorite-SO I USED CAPS INSTEAD. HA-SO THERE.



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