Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hi, Folks,
Wow! What a day we (the C.C.A.P.L.) had yesterday for our Bazaar! We raised over $1,000.00 and talked to so many animal lovers. We even had some people become members. Awesome.

It was a lot of work planning and organizing, but we sure did pull off a successful day. The remainder of items left went to the Goodwill Store in Carrollton. The remaining hot dog buns and pop went to the Golden Age Retreat (nursing home) in Carrollton. They were thrilled with the donations.

Regarding my "Comments Box". Since I have eliminated the "Comments box" on my website, the nasty and ridiculous emails have stopped. Now, I ask you, If I am paying for this website, why can't I have a "Comments Box" on it to receive comments from people who have read my book (s) and want to share with me their thoughts? I find it very repulsive, disheartening, and down-right discouraging that there are nasty people out there who abuse such a good thing as the Internet. When will their justice come? It can't be soon enough to suit me.

My computer guy and I are trying to work out something on my website that I can hear from people. I can't spend three hours deleting emails from countries all over, (especially China) with their stupid nasty emails. They just don't get it, do they?

I am going to get the pond filter out of the pond and clean it up and put it away for the winter.
Yesterday morning we did have frost, so I will check the garden too and see if there is anything left to salvage out of it. Then, hubby can mow it off! Our beagles, and our Labrador will be highly upset they can no longer swipe tomatoes and green peppers! Ha!

I am so pleased that I am getting hits on my website at (Search for: survivor_beckyconrad). I have been working on it in between stuff, and hopefully will update it even more soon.

For all you animal lover out there, check out the Carroll County Ohio Animal Protection League's website at Maybe you could pass out our website to your friends, neighbors, relatives, who love animals and they could help us out too. I am going to set up our PayPal account by Monday, so anyone wanting to make a donation can do it through PayPal.

Thanks everyone who has visited my website. May you continue to gain valuable information to help someone dealing with, or who has dealt with domestic violence, abuse, or stalking in their lives.

Be safe, and be blessed. It is a grand day to be alive.
Blessings to you.
Becky :)



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