Urgent need of your help to help someone!
Dear readers,
I received a letter from my supervisor at the Victim Assistance office regarding a woman in Galion, Ohio that was attacked, kidnapped, raped, and shot five times.
Here is the letter in its entirety.
Article in newspaper:
"On September 16th, 1994, Galion, Ohio resident Charles Shane Vaughan, armed with a 12-inch blade and a fully-loaded .22 revolver, kidnapped Maggie Maloy as she was returning solo from an early morning cross-country practice. Vaughan savagely raped her twice, attempted to strangle her, buried her under some brush for a time, and eventually shot her fives times. Finally, as she lay in a bloody, bug-eaten mess, he pistol-whipped her on the back of the head, able to elude capture until later that day. Though Maloy survived the vicious attack, she will forever had 3 bullets lodged in her body, two in her right lung and one in her head. Her right arm, initially paralyzed by a bullet's destructive path, is mobile but not fully strong or sensitive to feeling. Though several corrective surgeries to realign her shattered jaw were successful, a six-week liquid diet was necessary to sustain her nutritional needs."
In January of 1995, Charles Vaughan was sentenced to 103 years in prison following his no contest plea to two counts of rape, one count of attempted murder, and one count of kidnapping.
Charles Shane Vaughan's first parole hearing is to be held December of 2007. I, Maggie Maloy, ask anyone who's willing to write a letter to his parole board advocating on my behalf that Charles Vaughan NOT BE RELEASED. Charles Vaughan is not only a sexual predator but also a ticking explosive device...capable of things far worse than what you read above.
Please mail your letters to: Office of victim's Services
Suite 302
1050 Freeway Dr. North
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Letters may also be faxed to (614) 728-1980
In the top right-hand corner of each page of your letter, you need to insert the following information: Charles Shane Vaughan
A301950 (offender #)
DEADLINE - Please have your letters mailed or faxed by November 30th, 2007.
Words from Maggie Maloy: "This case received national attention. PLEASE disperse this information to whomever you feel would write a letter on my behalf and support the cause of keeping Charles Vaughan locked up. This is not about me; whether they know me personally or not is irrelevant. THE MORE LETTERS THE PAROLE BOARD HS TO READ THE BETTER! Hopefully Charles Vaughan will be locked up for as long as I have to carry 3 bullets in my body. Forever."
Please do this, readers. It coul save a life or lives.
Becky Conrad
Labels: please?, Survivor needs your help
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